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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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Change is nice, if it actually makes things better.  I can't imagine Trump improving anything.


There aren't words to describe the embarrassment, shame, anger, and disappointment I feel.  We've put a racist, sexist, homophobic, ignorant, thin-skinned, short-tempered, crass, boorish sexual assailant in the White House.  I can't.  I just can't even.  I'm ashamed to be American.  I'm ashamed to be white.  I'm ashamed to be male.  And the damage to the Supreme Court could be catastrophic if more anti-women bible-thumpers get on the bench.


If I could afford it, I'd be on my way to Canada or Denmark or Australia or something.


Since I don't assume half of the US is stupid (and half of those people 'deplorable'), I'm simply trying to understand why they voted the way they did.**  The same way I'd try to understand your rationale for leaving the country.


**Edit:  I think the severity of increasing Obamacare premiums everywhere probably had an underestimated effect as well.

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Rather than comment on the outcome of the election, I'll simply share what my 20 year old daughter said this morning. After reading several friends' posts on Facebook, saying they wanted to leave the country, she said, "Too many people have sacrificed too much for this country to just lay down when things get hard."

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Yeah, not a fan of it myself.

I can see why.  An election is meant to be about the will of the people.  Well the popular vote went to Hillary, thus the people have spoken regarding whom they actually want to be President.  Thus the electoral college has subverted the will of the people.

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So more people actually voted for her then Trump but he gets to be President because of this Electoral college BS? Sounds like the American election system needs some fixing.


This isn't the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. Fixing the Electoral College would require a Constitutional Amendment, and that would require 38 States to pass. I don't recall the last time 38 States agreed on anything.

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Rather than comment on the outcome of the election, I'll simply share what my 20 year old daughter said this morning. After reading several friends' posts on Facebook, saying they wanted to leave the country, she said, "Too many people have sacrificed too much for this country to just lay down when things get hard."


Damn straight.


You've raised a smart one, Vurbal. Well done.  :thumbup:

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This isn't the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. Fixing the Electoral College would require a Constitutional Amendment, and that would require 38 States to pass. I don't recall the last time 38 States agreed on anything.

Fixing it? I'm talking about abolishing it.  It's subverted the will of the people more then once, it needs to go!

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It is probably incorrect to assume that had the system been different, i.e. that the President were elected by simple majority direct vote that the campaigns or the results would be similar.  Right now, there's relatively little spending in very populous states like California and New York because they are so solidly Democratic.  With direct voting, that would likely change dramatically.  Republicans in such states might be more motivated to vote as their votes might actually make a difference, unlike the current system.


Would you want a president who had only two donors the Koch brothers and Bill Gates?  Might you fear that they would enact policies to favor those two donors to the detriment of everyone else?  States, donors similar thing.  If you could win a substantial majority in California by sacrificing the Maple Syrup trade, and thus giving the shaft to New Hampshire...

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See, I've been hoping they'd make the electorial college proportional for years.... have it break as close as possible to match. 


If some state is worth 20 mighty electoral votes, but it's nearly even... I'd much prefer it break down to 10/9/1 (Some third party perhaps) than winner take all.

A Presidential election is supposed to be the will of the people.  Thus the popular vote should be more important then anything. 

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I am also glad the Democrats didn't nix the Filibuster. Now they still have at least one tool. Then again, perhaps we should listen to Mega and others here and just nix it now. It is afterall, extremely undemocratic. ^^



I plan to urge the DNC to filibuster at every turn. After all, the GOP opposed Obama at every turn; turnaround is fair play.

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