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39 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

I remember reading that same essay on another online source a year or more ago. You can tell it's a reprint from the slightly dated political references.


"We do understand you. We just think you're wrong."

If they really act like fanatics, there is really not much room to talk with them.


And it would not be surprising considering there are people like this among the Evangelicals:


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And it makes it sound like reasonable accommodation and consensus across the American public won't be achievable in the current generation. Sadly, I foresee repetition of a scenario that's occurred time and again over American history: a sizeable fraction of the populace will need to be dragged by the majority into the future, kicking and screaming, probably exacerbating the misery for everyone.

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10 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

And it makes it sound like reasonable accommodation and consensus across the American public won't be achievable in the current generation. Sadly, I foresee repetition of a scenario that's occurred time and again over American history: a sizeable fraction of the populace will need to be dragged by the majority into the future, kicking and screaming, probably exacerbating the misery for everyone.

Yeah, you have that issue.


I think the earliest case I kow off is the Civil war. Where you had to drag the Confederation "Kicking and Screaming" out of a Slaveholder Economy into the Industrial Age.

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Recommended reading: Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Snyder is a historian of 20th century central and eastern Europe... which means, chiefly, Nazism, Communism and miscellaneous fascisms. In brief, his argument is that brutal despotisms follow a fairly consistent playbook in seizing power. Knowing the playbook might help one avoid fresh tyrannies, and resist them when they happen anyway. And yes, he is thinking of Donald Trump.


It's a short book, but pointed. For an example, one lesson is, "Defend institutions." Would-be tyrants rarely start out with the power to commit atrocities; they achieve it gradually by breaking and subverting the civil service and private groups to their will. And here's Trump, trying to break the FBI.


"Be a patriot" discusses the difference between patriotism and nationalism. Snyder also provides a brief (page and a half) list of Trump's unpatriotic acts, from mocking and insulting war heroes and their families, to placing Russia-beholden people in his campaign and administration. (More than half a page of one-sentence examples right there. As Snyder puts it, the point is not that Russia and the U.S. must be enemies. They don't. The point is that "As a patriot, you serve your own country.")


A few of the lessons actually relate to our favorite hobby and these forums: "Maintain a private life" and "Learn from people in other countries." Tyrannies try to make everything about them, to butt in on every activity. It's important not to let them, keeping parts of your life and associations they don't touch. And contact with people in other countries helps one resist the closed fantasy-world that tyrants use to keep people docile, scared and confused. If worst comes to worst... it's good to have friends abroad to whom one can flee. I certainly hope the American people do not let the Trump regime get that awful, but I would like to thank the non-US posters for the outside perspective they provide.


Dean Shomshak

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Mueller has basically proven that Russia ran an extensive campaign to interfere in the 2016 election, including sending spies to American cities to research ways to  foment unrest and deepen divisions in our society. By 2016 this operation had evolved to where its overarching goal was to get Trump elected. Under any other administration, this would be the scandal of the century; sanctions would already have been imposed, and we’d be talking about whether to get into a shooting war with Putin and his oligarchs. This administration has not responded—except on Twitter. 

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2 hours ago, Sociotard said:

This will certainly reassure conservatives that Academia is not a liberal echo chamber.  I don't want to defend him, but he hasn't even completed a term, and its pretty hard to beat Buchanan or Harding.


Even the conservative historians put him in the bottom 5. So he has an opportunity to do even worse with the rest of his term. 

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9 hours ago, Doc Shadow said:


8 hours ago, Sociotard said:

This will certainly reassure conservatives that Academia is not a liberal echo chamber.  I don't want to defend him, but he hasn't even completed a term, and its pretty hard to beat Buchanan or Harding.


Personally, I think polls like that should not include the sitting president, at least until he's completed at least one term.


Though I'm pretty sure that, if Dolt 45 hadn't been included, he'd have tweeted about the injustice of that, or some other stupid blathering on.  The man does have an ego the size of a barge.

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9 hours ago, Sociotard said:

This will certainly reassure conservatives that Academia is not a liberal echo chamber.

What could proof to the conservatives taht Academia is not a liberal echo chamber?

Nothing. They will continue to believe that.


Trying to convince religious fanatics is pointless. All you can do is support them, by not saying you disagree.


9 hours ago, Sociotard said:

I don't want to defend him, but he hasn't even completed a term, and its pretty hard to beat Buchanan or Harding.

Trump can not accept to he 2nd at anything. Especially the bad stuff.

We had 1 year to get used to him. His was at bad or even worse then we predicted. He will not improove from this.

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Including Trump on the list after one year is absurd...and when he involves us in a police action (or fails to remove us) for 20 years resulting in the death of 1 million + people or lies about WMDs and illegally enters us in a war causing over 400,000 deaths...THEN maybe I'll consider putting him at the bottom.



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Heard on the radio this morning: Russian Twitter bots immediately started stirring both sides of the gun control debate minutes after the Florida school shooting news. This Wired article gives a pretty good rundown, despite its misleading title. (Title is contradicted by the article's own content, probably written by an inattentive editor or something.)

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