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23 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Only way Texas might do it would be through secession, and as Beau points out that's not going to happen either, so it's a moot point.


Hmmm...thinking about all the stuff that's happened in the last 6 years in the USA that nobody thought could ever happen....

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5 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

It's just staggering to think that all of this insanity came about because one vain, selfish man refused to accept that he lost something he had no business winning in the first place.


It still isn't clear what Trump's actual thoughts were/are, but it stopped being about that a LONG time ago.  If that's all it was, just Trump's delusion, it would've died.  Since it didn't, it became the hammer to smash through "voting protections" to ensure "fairness."  The Republicans want to take as much electoral power out of federal hands and keep it in local hands...that they control.  This is simply one facet;  the refusal to certify election results in Arizona because of the voting machines is another.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

It's just staggering to think that all of this insanity came about because one vain, selfish man refused to accept that he lost something he had no business winning in the first place.

Trump is a symptom, not a cause. 

In other words, the problem is way, way worse than you realize. 

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1 hour ago, TrickstaPriest said:


A staggering, staggering amount of people I know who are Republicans only use Fox or Fox-like sources for news, or none at all.  Which goes for the same thing - if there's news that would make us look bad, never even mention it exists.


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35 minutes ago, Old Man said:

Trump is a symptom, not a cause. 

In other words, the problem is way, way worse than you realize. 


I've said the same thing, but it's probably more true to say that Trump is symptom AND cause.  The issues existed before him, yes.  His actions and attitudes showed there was little or nothing that would cause blowback in the political arena, and encouraged and empowered politicians like Boebert, ad campaigns like the "shoot the RINOs", QAnon, etc.  Lots of things that were stewing under the surface came to the forefront...and didn't get slapped back down.

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1 hour ago, Starlord said:


Hmmm...thinking about all the stuff that's happened in the last 6 years in the USA that nobody thought could ever happen....


Granted, and I've made that point about other things in the past. But the only legal mechanism for a state to leave the Union is if all other states agree, which isn't impossible. But that would mean that all Federal government offices and military bases would close; borders with the other states would not be free to travel; no existing trade agreements would apply; Federal subsidies for industry would dry up. Texas would become a banana republic. And Texas's politicians wouldn't have Washington to blame any more.


The other route to secession, revolution, didn't go so well when Texas had ten other states with them. They don't have a snowball's chance of succeeding on their own now.


1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


It still isn't clear what Trump's actual thoughts were/are, but it stopped being about that a LONG time ago.


Very true, but it cascaded from that, and with those who supported Trump to demonstrate loyalty. As the lie got bigger it took on a life of its own. And pursuant to that,


52 minutes ago, Old Man said:

Trump is a symptom, not a cause. 

In other words, the problem is way, way worse than you realize. 


I don't entirely agree. Trump is a symptom, true, but he was also the catalyst for the rot in American politics and society to rise to the surface and catch fire. Without his example for how much right-wing politicians, pundits, and everyday freaks could get away with, and his antics normalizing their attitudes and behavior, they'd all probably have gone on with business as usual for years.

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14 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


Granted, and I've made that point about other things in the past. But the only legal mechanism for a state to leave the Union is if all other states agree, which isn't impossible. But that would mean that all Federal government offices and military bases would close; borders with the other states would not be free to travel; no existing trade agreements would apply; Federal subsidies for industry would dry up. Texas would become a banana republic. And Texas's politicians wouldn't have Washington to blame any more.


And that's only a warmup.  In EVERY aspect of life, there would be massive changes.  It'd make Brexit's issues look like moving across town or switching family doctors.  


Highway funds.

Education funds.

Agriculture funds.

El Paso maybe doesn't collapse if Bliss leaves, but it's huge:
https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/economic-data/military/fort-bliss.php#:~:text=The Texas Comptroller of Public,the Texas economy in 2019.


Look through it.  The indirect aspects are huge.  There's 37,000 dependents and 33,000 vets that use its services.


And we're barely scratching the surface.  So, yeah, I agree with LL and Beau.  It won't happen.

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9 hours ago, unclevlad said:


And that's only a warmup.  In EVERY aspect of life, there would be massive changes.  It'd make Brexit's issues look like moving across town or switching family doctors.  


Highway funds.

Education funds.

Agriculture funds.

El Paso maybe doesn't collapse if Bliss leaves, but it's huge:
https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/economic-data/military/fort-bliss.php#:~:text=The Texas Comptroller of Public,the Texas economy in 2019.


Look through it.  The indirect aspects are huge.  There's 37,000 dependents and 33,000 vets that use its services.


And we're barely scratching the surface.  So, yeah, I agree with LL and Beau.  It won't happen.

This isn’t the first time Texas has threatened to secede, and likely won’t be the last. But trying to apply logic isn’t the best way to discount the threat. 

There are still people who think Brexit was a good idea….

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5 hours ago, Tom said:

This isn’t the first time Texas has threatened to secede, and likely won’t be the last. But trying to apply logic isn’t the best way to discount the threat. 

There are still people who think Brexit was a good idea….


Yep.  I've been watching Brexit news the last few years as a means of getting away from our news...

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7 hours ago, Tom said:

There are still people who think Brexit was a good idea….

They can use the war in Ukraine at the moment a a cover for the bad effects. And we also have the pandemic. It would be intersting to see what would have been the effect if we did not have either of these outside effects. Boris would still find a way to look bad but that is to be expected.

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I seem to recall reading something back in the day along the lines of, "The United States and Great Britain are having a contest to see who can screw their country the most. Great Britain took the early lead with Brexit, but it turns out the United States was holding the trump card."

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6 hours ago, death tribble said:

It would be intersting to see what would have been the effect if we did not have either of these outside effects.


My favorite counterfactual is no Iraq II. Not only do we not see ISIS (and the refugees it created) but also the Arab spring is less likely (and all the refugees it created).


Far fewer refugees, and there likely IS no Brexit in the first place.

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Little surprised I'm the first to report this.
The Uvalde police chief has been placed on administrative leave.



“Because of the lack of clarity that remains and the unknown timing of when I will receive the results of the investigations, I have made the decision to place Chief Arredondo on administrative leave effective on this date,” Harrell wrote in the announcement to the media.




The mayor is also fed up with the obstruction.  I'm hopeful one or both of them has the power to force the UPD to cooperate.  

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The November mid-terms will tell the tale. If the Republicans lose decisively at the federal and state level, there's a path to recovery. If the GOP actually regain control of Congress, after everything that's happened and everything that's been revealed... the United States as a whole will have chosen what kind of country it wants to be, and God help us all.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

The November mid-terms will tell the tale. If the Republicans lose decisively at the federal and state level, there's a path to recovery. If the GOP actually regain control of Congress, after everything that's happened and everything that's been revealed... the United States as a whole will have chosen what kind of country it wants to be, and God help us all.


With inflation and the gas prices being shoved onto Biden, I highly doubt that will happen.


So people are going to have to think of what they are going to do when the Republican party pushes back into power again.

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Yeah, it's being blamed on Biden by his political opponents, and spoon-fed to their cult followers by their media allies. But keep in mind, the highest rated Fox News program is Tucker Carlson's with a viewership of 3 million. I.e. one percent of the American population. The Jan. 6 committee hearings have been getting 20 million viewers across all platforms. The word is getting out. At the end of the day, there are more sane Americans than cultists.


That said, Democrats need to get more aggressive in countering Republican propaganda. This past year we've seen hopeful signs as some Dems have been publicly taking the gloves off, but they still have to go farther.

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8 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Yeah, it's being blamed on Biden by his political opponents, and spoon-fed to their cult followers by their media allies. But keep in mind, the highest rated Fox News program is Tucker Carlson's with a viewership of 3 million. I.e. one percent of the American population. The Jan. 6 committee hearings have been getting 20 million viewers across all platforms. The word is getting out. At the end of the day, there are more sane Americans than cultists.


I desperately want to believe this. But the cultists are disproportionately loud, and they are remarkably effective in spreading their message, so it sure doesn't feel like there are more of us that are sane.

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