Pulp Hero
Two-fisted thrills and adventure in the world of the Twenties and Thirties!
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- 22 replies
Going back to school it's easier to organize an occassional board game night as opposed to a more full time RPG group. Does anyone know of any Pulp Era style board or card games that are out there?
Last reply by AlHazred, -
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http://www.strangeark.com/reprints/ptero.html In September, 1939, the West African Review contained an article "Living Monster or Fabulous.Animal?" Readers will recollect that some years earlier there had been a type of "Challenger Expedition" into Central Africa to search the Iruwuni forests of the Belgian Congo for a huge, mysterious, antedeluvian monster. "Is the Brontosauros still alive in the morasses of the Congo?" were the headlines in some of the London papers...
Last reply by BigJackBrass, -
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Rob Hudson, author of MM, passed this on to me. I can't get the @(%*# thing to work, but maybe some of you will find it useful: http://www.davidrumsey.com/ "The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection has over 11,000 maps online. The collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North and South America maps and other cartographic materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia and Africa are also represented. Collection categories include antique atlas, globe, school geography, maritime chart, state, county, city, pocket, wall, childrens and manuscript maps."
Last reply by Markdoc, -
- 4 replies
I recieved my copies of Pulp Hero in the mail the other day and after looking it over I thought I had to mention that Hugh Vogt's illustrations for the book were really outstanding! The art gives the pulp feel while not being crowded or overworked. His compositions are great and the whole aire of the work is simple, delicate and uncluttered. The character art he did for the Villians was, I thought, especially professional in execution. All the art was great but I thought Hugh's was head and shoulders above the rest. Great Job!! ~e.
Last reply by Hugh Vogt, -
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Midway City by Spectrum Games http://www.spectrum-games.com/midwaycity/index.htm Might be useful QM
Last reply by TheQuestionMan, -
- 6 replies
We've got three new Hero Plus Adventures available in the Online Store! Hero Plus Adventures #12: Inner-Earth:When what was supposed to be a simple exploratory journey sweeps Our Heroes down an underground river, they discover a new world in a gigantic cavern far beneath the surface: Inner-Earth. Inhabited by creatures that long ago died out on the surface, ancient lost peoples and tribes that somehow found their way down there, insidious serpent-men, and a group of lost Nazi explorers whose intentions for the place are decidedly more sinister than the heroes', Inner-Earth contains wonders marvelous to behold... and perils deadlier than anything in th…
Last reply by JakSpade, -
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I've been looking over Jess Nevins' Nick Carter Page, thinking about what can be borrowed from the Nick Carter stories for my campaign, and I thought others might like a look. Carter's adventures started in 1886 and the most interesting bits take place before 1920. Carter was a sort of turn of the 19th century Doc Savage, a 5'4" master of disguise who could lift a horse and rider "with ease", a master of the martial arts, etc, etc. Very interesting stuff for those running an early pulp campaign. Of special interest is his School for Detectives, and the many young detectives (Male and Female) he trained outside of the school. One of Carter's students was Japanes…
Last reply by Lemurion, -
- 10 replies
Ok, here I am, wandering around on Christmas Eve doing my last minute Christmas shopping. Bought the GF her own PDA and a Robert E Howard book for a buddy. In short, minding my own business on the holiday Saturday. So what happens you ask? I walk into the brightly lit comic and games store and find myself over on the rack where they keep the Hero Games. It's Christmas Eve and I am spending money on OTHER PEOPLE. Still, I'm drawn to that one shelf. On that shelf, at full price between a bunch of half-price products I see a thick new book-- Pulp Hero. They didn't have this one last time I came in. I pick it up and it opens to the picture on page 383. W…
Last reply by Lemurion, -
- 38 replies
This came up when following links from another thread. I could be completely wrong, but the proportions of his legs to his body and his posture look COMPLETELY wrong for a Chimp. His face? Look at the variability in human faces. who knows. It did remind me of the reports of a possible new species of Ape or Chimpanzee... http://paranormal.about.com/library/weekly/aa022800a.htm
Last reply by gewing, -
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My son got a fisher price dinosaur playset, and the dino to dino to human scale looked pretty much right on. It looks about 28mm scale, and I am comparing a caveman, velociraptor, and iguanadon (I think) to each other. They also have Trex, Triceratops, and many others. The website is at http://www.imaginext.com and then go to the dinosaur area.
Last reply by Troll, -
- 1 reply
Good news, PH fans! I just sent Ben another Hero Plus Adventure for PH -- Four Fiends, a collection of four villains and their related henchmen/persons/beings/etc. So it should be in the Online Store soon. With FF out of the way, next I'll finish off The Voodoo Cross. I had several ideas for what could come next, but having been inspired by an idea Oddhat mentioned in the "Thrilling Places" thread I've got to replace 'em all with Valley Of The Spider Queen, in which the PCs discover a mysterious unknown cleft inhabited by an unusual tribe of natives, and their even more unusual and malicious queen....
Last reply by OddHat, -
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The idea of reforming rather than warehousing criminals was explored in the pulps, most notably with Doc Savage and his Crime College. Doc never killed when he could help it; his Crime College was there to help criminals reform. Most Pulp heroes killed when they had to and otherwise trusted to the justice system, while some heroes just went in guns blazing, seeing all crooks as beyond redemption. Do you maintain a genuinely redemptive institution in your Pulp games? Or an Arkham style madhouse? Do your heroes go for the capture or the kill? Thoughts welcomed.
Last reply by Roter Baron, -
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CAPTAIN PHILIP STRANGE, THE BRAIN DEVIL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 13 STR 3 12- Lift 151.6kg; 2 1/2d6 [1] 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 13 CON 6 12- 10 BODY 0 11- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 18 EGO 16 13- ECV: 6 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 1/2d6 14 COM 2 12- 3 PD 0 Total: 3/6 PD (3 rPD) 3 ED 0 Total: 3/6 ED (3 rED) 3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 6 REC 0 26 END 0 24 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 69 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 2"/4" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers END 6 Pulp Hero Tough: Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED) The Brain Devil Notes: Captain Philip Strange's psychic powers earned him the nick-name The Brain Devil.…
Last reply by OddHat, -
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Here are some pictures I took while in the Yucatan Penensula back in April. I doctored them up to remove the tourists and to give them an "old" feel. The First two images are from Altun Ha in Belize, the rest are from the Chichen Itza ruins in Mexico http://blog.gargoyleslanding.com/permalink.asp?id=97 Edit: changed the URL to a direct link, cause Im getting ready to add more stuff
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 11 replies
Hey all! I'm going to be running a "League of Extrodinary Gentlewoman" at an upcoming Con. It's set in 1938 and there is a reason there are no male characters on this trip... I have my cast of LXGs, but I need more background info, suggestions for stats & skills, and more villianess. My cast is: Marion Ravenwood (from Raiders of the Lost Ark) as my archeologist/reporter and bar owner (her occupation after she left Indy); Amelia Earhart as my pilot; Nita Van Sloan (from The Spider) as my sharp shooter/socialite; Patricia Savage (cousion of Doc Savage) as my adventurer; Carrie Cashin (by Theodore Tinsly) as my hard boiled detetive; and Josephine Baker as…
Last reply by The Monster, -
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I was asked for an update on HPA #12, Inner-Earth, so I figured I'd post it here in case more people were interested. Earlier today, at long last, I finished the first draft! It's the biggest HPA yet, longer even than Solar Smith in terms of word counts. Now I just have to check over it and get it laid out. With luck, we'll have it in the Online Store within a week or so for the low, low price of five bucks.
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 3 replies
good news folks, the entire scanned album is now online for viewing etc http://canopuscruise.larryshomeport.com/ with 315 photos, they will take a while to browse through, but theres some really cool stuff there
Last reply by HeroTina, -
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From Jess Nevins incredible site, the Pulp Heroes:
Last reply by Susano, -
- 10 replies
PERCIVAL CLAYTON, LORD OF THE PIGEONS Val Char Cost Roll Notes 15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1] 18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6 13 CON 6 12- 10 BODY 0 11- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 10 COM 0 11- 3/7 PD 0 Total: 3/7 PD (0/4 rPD) 3/7 ED 0 Total: 3/7 ED (0/4 rED) 3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 6 REC 0 26 END 0 25 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 45 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Gliding: 15"/15" Leaping: 6"/12" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers END 3 Keen Pigeon Senses: Bump of Direction 12 I Speak the Secret Language of Birds!: Telepathy 4d6 (standard effect: 12 points) (Avian cl…
Last reply by OddHat, -
- 11 replies
In the December 2005 issue of AOPA Pilot magazine (my wife is a private pilot and AOPA member) is a excellent article on the DC-3 or DST (DST = Douglas Sleeper Transport) pages 80 to 88. It covers the 70th anniversary of the DC-3 airliner. Includes a little about the history of the plane and how a pilot got his rating on it ; including a accident on the aircraft and how it was easily repaired. Included in the article is a chart with many GREAT stats on the DC-3 including preformance stats (including one engine performance and landing/takeoff requirements). If your local library carries AOPA Pilot check it out, unfortunately AOPA does not publish it online except to AOPA …
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
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And Now For Some... Amusement By Gorzo The Mighty Emperor Of The Universe December 14, 2005 | Issue 41•50 After all the times you have thwarted me... After all the times my plans for world domination were foiled by your meddlesome interference... After all the countless times you escaped at the very last moment, finally, I, Gorzo The Mighty, have defeated you, Crash Comet, Space Commander From The Year 2000! How long I have awaited this glorious triumph! The Emperor Of The Universe has secured his dominion on this day! And now that my long struggle is over, how about a little... amusement? With a clap of my jewel-bedecked hands, I summon the sca…
Last reply by L. Marcus, -
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See... there are a lot of great Pulp resources out there, and I don't have time to run a campaign for each one, so the following idea seems to have taken root to solve the problem. Cast of Characters: The Usual Suspects, my Fantasy Hero Group (Dawn, Jeff Jr, Brian, Dan, Laura, Bridget, Nathan.... no problem there) PCs: 150 pt characters (75 + 75 most likely) Setting: Different each week. Same Cast, Different Film (Like A Fish Called Wanda and Savage Creatures) Dawn's Amazon and Brian's Two-Fisted Hero would be the same, but the conditions of their lives would be different, allowing me to run Solar Smith one week, then Dordogne Zodiac the next...
Last reply by Basil, -
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4-7-17'14 25-7-11 14-5-18-17-6 15-14-8-26-8 18-15 24-8-14-14-18-17-24 3 23-18-14-14-23-8 23-7-17-24 2-18-17-4-8-4? 14-5-3-14'15 3 19-7-6-8, 15-7-17, 18 15-3-18-4 14-5-3-14 15 3 19-7-6-8!
Last reply by Basil, -
- 22 replies
The 10 Most Puzzling Ancient Artifacts (I didn't quote all ten.)
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 1 reply
With Inner-Earth nearing completion, I've been giving some thought to the next Hero Plus Adventures I want to do. Here's what you've got to look forward to in the relatively near future: Four Fiends: Editing Masterminds And Madmen gave me some ideas for more Pulp adversaries than I could wedge into that book, so this HPA will cover four of them (together with related character sheets for their henchmen and whatnot). The Voodoo Cross: When an old Haitian relic is stolen from the New Orleans branch of the Empire Club, the PCs pursue it first into the bayous of Louisiana, and then into the heart of darkness in Haiti itself to prevent a Voodoo sorcerer from using …
Last reply by Blue,
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