Pulp Hero
Two-fisted thrills and adventure in the world of the Twenties and Thirties!
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- 4 replies
Im going to have a Pulp Hero game at 3pm at 2720 e madison (if you need a bus, its #11) There will be pre-made characters, paper miniatures, popcorn, and fun! RSVP rjb9@yahoo.com[/email=rjb9@yahoo.com] oops forgot to mention im in seattle Well, it's been a week. No RSVPs, no interest of any kind. I may as well just bag it. This may not be a dying game, but the genre seems to be as dead as the proverbial doornail. Pity, but I may just have to rethink this hobby.
Last reply by RJB, -
- 0 replies
Sets of six specialized Hexman Hero System 6th Edition 19mm dice are available just for you. Buy five! Buy ten! Impress your friends, humble your enemies! https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=274295#
Last reply by Jason S.Walters, -
What lies beneath the sea...
by Guest Celt- 2 replies
The Sea of Galilee that is! Mysterious Stone Structure Discovered Beneath Sea of Galilee http://news.yahoo.com/mysterious-sto...111707097.html[/url=http://news.yahoo.com/mysterious-stone-structure-discovered-beneath-sea-galilee-111707097.html]
Last reply by st barbara, -
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From 4-15 National Geographic: Italian archaeologists working at the Greco-Roman site of ancient Hierapolis (modern-day Pamukkale)[/url=http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/485] in Turkey have uncovered that city's gate to the underworld. Pilgrims from around the classical world came to Hierapolis to bathe in its hot springs and worship at the Ploutonion—a temple precinct built over a cave and underground thermal area. By tracing the path of the hot springs through the ancient site, the team from the University of Salento, led by Francesco D'Andria[/url=https://www.unisalento.it/web/guest/scheda_personale?p_p_id=SchedaUtentePortlet_WAR_SchedaUtentePortlet5121&p_p…
Last reply by RJB, -
10 Lost Cities and Mythical Civilisations
by Guest Celt- 6 replies
10 Lost Cities and Mythical Civilisations of the Ancient World Not the usual mix of Atlantis and Shambala either. With an interesting take on the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah.
Last reply by bigbywolfe, -
- 8 replies
An awesome resource for your PH games. http://thrilling-tales.webomator.com/derange-o-lab/pulp-o-mizer/pulp-o-mizer.html
Last reply by MisterVimes, -
Where does this go? Machu Picchu news
by Guest Celt- 7 replies
Secret Door Discovered At Center Of Machu Picchu (cross posted from NGD, found by tkdguy)
Last reply by Burrito Boy, -
35 Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Sudan Necropolis
by Guest Celt- 0 replies
35 Ancient Pyramids Discovered in Sudan Necropolis I love the word 'necropolis'.
Modern-day Pulp? 1 2
by tkdguy- 29 replies
I recently had this idea about doing a Pulp campaign in a modern-day setting. The game mechanics wouldn't be too different, of course. It's mostly the visuals that need a bit of tweaking. To me, Pulp has a certain look, which should remind people of another era. The trick then is to give the game a retro look while staying in the modern world. It's not that hard to do. Describe the people the PCs meet in suits and fedoras or in dresses. Have them drive around town in a Chrysler PT Cruiser. If they need to fly somewhere, let them hop on board a Cessna Caravan, or maybe even a Zeppelin NT. If you add music to your games, some of the songs by Norah Jones and Dave Matthe…
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 239 replies
Pulp Hero Resources International Superheroes - Pulp Heroes http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/p/pulphero.htm The Zepplin Age http://www.heliograph.com/zeppelinage/ Pulp Era Slang Thread http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=706502#post706502 1948 Signals Campaign http://www.1948-signals.org/character/new_char_pulp.shtml Pulp Adventures http://www.icewebring.com/ICE_Products/RMSS/RMSS_5701_Pulp_Adventures.shtml Adventure House - Pulp Superhero Index http://www.adventurehouse.com/pulpdata/pulp_superhero.htm Art-Nocturne The Art of Ver Curtiss http://mysite.verizon.net/pulps.fan/Art-Nocturne/pulp%20hero.htm Cinem…
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 1 reply
Paul Malmont has announced that he is working on a sequel to The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril. I can't wait.
Last reply by Nothere, -
- 15 replies
A great tool for Pulp games involving long-lost civilizations and ancient artifacts: http://www.event12.com/index.html
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 1 reply
No, really. They found it a while ago. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/49999550/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/deadly-caves-where-it-all-ended-maybe-hades-began/#.ULl4r4NlHa4 If you can't find a hook in that...
- 18 replies
I think it can be done. I think there is a baby in that bathwater. To me, from the pulp stories I have read, the racism had two sides to it. One part is the easily discarded xenophobia and white supremacy. The other part though, in which races are often given lush descriptions that emphasize their exotic differences from the Western world (sometimes even within the West) is worth keeping in my opinion if one approaches it intelligently and sensitively. I've read stories in which other races feel as different from our heroes as elves, dwarves, and orcs do from humans. On the one hand, this implied a certain level of inhumanity - especially for African blacks. On the o…
Last reply by Toadmaster, -
- 0 replies
We've lost all website order data from between the 8th and the 11th. I have some backup records, but they don't tell me everything I need to know. If you ordered during that time (even PDFs), please contact me at jason@herogames.com. I'll need to know what you ordered, what your shipping address is, and the last 4 digits of your credit card to verify your identity. Furthermore, all customers who have been inconvenienced by this data loss shall receive a set of six Hero Dice when that product becomes available in the near future. Thank you once again for your patience. “The Management”
Last reply by Jason S.Walters, -
- 42 replies
I want to build a Adventurer's team that is not comprised entirely of Caucasian nationalities. The characters are all highly proficient and successful, which is why they've been gathered into a team (think of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). This is set in the mid-twenties or thereabouts. I've been poring over the Pulp Hero book and supplements. Found some about exotic nationalities, but not a lot about PC-level roles. Example character roles I'm already toying with are: Aviator, Ship Captain, Grease Monkey, Modern Major General, Professor/Scientist, Great White Hunter and Nordic Ox (Hans). Example nationalities so far seem to be French, Irish, British, …
Last reply by st barbara, -
- 9 replies
“I dun't keer what folks think—ef Lavinny's boy looked like his pa, he wouldn't look like nothin' ye expeck.” WILBUR WHATELEY [b]Val CHA Cost Roll Notes[/b] 20 STR 10 13- Lift 400 kg; 4d6 HTH Damage [2] 12 DEX 4 11- 15 CON 5 12- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 18 EGO 8 13- 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 4 OCV 5 3 DCV 0 6 OMCV 9 6 DMCV 9 3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) 5 ED 3 Total: 5 ED (0 rED) 7 REC 3 30 END 2 13 BODY 3 30 STUN 5 [b]Total Characteristics Cost: 92 Movement:[/b] Running: 18m/36m Leaping: 4m/8m Swimming: 4m/8m [b]Cost Powers & Skills[/b] 5 [b]"A Score Of ... Red Sucking Mouths":[/b] HKA 1 point, Constant (+½…
Last reply by Drhoz, -
- 0 replies
Thought you guys might enjoy this a physics paper an explanation of call of Cthulhu involving gravitational lensing.
Last reply by freakboy6117, -
Russian Nazca-like Space Elk discovered
by Guest Celt- 9 replies
Mysterious Elk-Shaped Structure Discovered in Russia It looks more like a hill figure like can be seen in England, but I suppose Nazca has a catchier feel.
Last reply by Bolon, -
- 5 replies
Another great location from National Geographic!
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 0 replies
The latest PDF from Elvensong Street Press (i.e., me ) is now available! Legions Of Hell is a direct result of feedback from you, the HERO System fan. When I posted a couple months ago about PDFs of monsters I was considering creating, I got multiple suggestions to do a PDF of demons. Well, ask and ye shall receive. Legions Of Hell contains character sheets for nearly sixty demons. Within its pages you’ll find such terrors as the Barbtail Demon, Book Demon, Crowned Demon, Fell Assassin, Infernal Soldier, Prince of the Pit, Slime Demon, Worm Demon, and Demonticore! Each demon is ready for use in any game -- they could be minions of DEMON or the Demonologist in a Cha…
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 8 replies
And io9 seems to think it was OK.
Last reply by Roter Baron, -
- 3 replies
Everyone with half a functioning brain knows that diving on a live hand grenade to save your friends is one of the single most selfless, balls-out heroic acts of valor that any human being can perform. It takes a special, rare kind of person to come face-to-face with their own destruction, resist every natural impulse of self-preservation, and unhesitatingly give themselves up in a final, purely-selfless feat of bravery, trading in the most precious thing a human has to offer – their life – so that others might live. It's such a paragon of ultimate selfless human sacrifice that nowadays it's the standard go-to analogy for everything from taking all the blame for a team-wi…
Last reply by st barbara, -
- 3 replies
Oriental Mysticism - check Nazis - check From space - check It's the perfect Pulp McGuffin. http://blogs.nature.com/news/2012/09/buddhist-iron-man-found-by-nazis-is-from-space.html/
Last reply by bigbywolfe, -
- 0 replies
Larger than life, but real.
Last reply by IndianaJoe3,
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