Pulp Hero
Two-fisted thrills and adventure in the world of the Twenties and Thirties!
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Secret German World War II Base Rediscovered Near North Pole Go to it, folks!
Last reply by Cancer, -
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I'll be starting a "Cthulhu Hero" campaign for my players and I'm looking for pre-generated Pulp Hero archetypes (e.g. Strong-Jawed Hero, Detective, Femme Fatale, Soldier, Ace Pilot, Journalist, Gangster, etc.). I'm currently looking through Surbrook's Stuff. Are there any other locations where I can find pre-generated characters?
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 2 replies
The EAA has 2 Ford Tri-Motors that are touring the country this summer... they are the -5AT series versions, one is stopping here locally this weekend, and I am going to get lots of pictures hopefully... cant justify 75.00 for a 35 minute ride sadly... but the Tri-Motor was the first aircraft designed from the start to carry passengers. this one can carry 11 and 3 crew, at the incredibly fast speed of 80 mph. they are also really loud!
Last reply by Scott Ruggels, -
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- 87 replies
In the Expanded Raider-verse, what level of paranormal anything can be reached before it becomes Call of Cthulhu? Relics/artifacts work - a given. Fetish Magic - see the voodoo doll in the novelization of Temple of Doom. Potent Mesmerism - see the voodoo prince in the novelization of Temple of Doom. Classic Wicca - the original novel Indiana Jones and the White Witch ESP - see Colonel Doctor Irina Spalko in the novelization of Crystal Skull.
Last reply by Lucius, -
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- 3 replies
So I've recently started up a new Pulp Hero game - 1938 set in and among the South Pacific islands (think Tales of the Gold Monkey) and saw this headline Floating island the size of New Jersey discovered in South Pacific, which immediately grabbed my attention. Read through the article and was a bit disappointed, but it got me looking for more information on floating islands. Found lots of info on small floating islands in rivers and lakes that are basically small islands composed of vegetation growing on a buoyant mat of plant roots or other organic detritus - still not as cool as what I wanted. Finally came across this article - http://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-…
Last reply by borbetomagnus, -
- 89 replies
Reading some of Christopher Lees Obituaries after yesterday I find myself thinking about real people who would make for interesting pulp heroes. In lee's case RAF intelligence officer seconded to the SAS (possibly one of the inspirations for James bond) , expert fencer, multilingual, professional actor and Stuntman direct descendant of Charlemagne. Also Buster Keaton Physical Phenomenon pioneering stunt man jackie chan before there was a jackie chan Parkourist before parkour watch this video and tell me he wouldn't be an amazing pulp hero so who else would you suggest
Last reply by Ninja-Bear, -
- 3 replies
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-amelia-earhart-mystery-solved/ar-BBJE2Dy?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp Looks like this old mystery may be finally solved.
Last reply by John Desmarais, -
- 10 replies
Hello ladies and gents, I could use some help. We are planning a "LoEG" type game and I was planning on playing an archeologist who is secretly a ancient mummy. It's actually the reason why she has been so successful as an archeologist, she remembers the tomb locations from when she was alive. After waking up into a new civialized world where all the ancient world she once knew is almost gone, she has dedicated herself to the finding and preservation of all historical artifacts she can. What I need help with is how to build her mummy powers in a way that aren't overpowered yet interesting. I'm already thinking: Strength Longevity Weekends to fire Da…
Last reply by Pizza Man, -
- 1 reply
Found this article in a 1985 issue of "Daredevil Adventures", written by George MacDonald himself! It is for converting old Daredevils adventures to Justice Inc., but should be useful for Pulp Hero, also. There is a lot of DD material floating around the interwebs. Enjoy this bit of pulpy nostalgia! Converting Daredevils Adventures To Justice Inc.pdf
Last reply by LouisGoncey, -
- 0 replies
Digital Hero used to have a column for RL people who'd fit well in Pulp Hero adventures. Dunno if anyone suggested Robert Short, but I think he'd qualify. China's American hero is Tacoma native Robert ... - The News Tribune Robert Short went to China to teach aviation. He ended up shot down by the Japanese. In an age when just flying a plane could qualify you as an adventurer. Short would make a good model for a PC or a good NPC to encounter on a trip to China. Dean Shomshak
Last reply by DShomshak, -
- 32 replies
So I was thinking the create a villain team thread in Champions does well. And pulp villians tend to be over the top sotheortically the same thread should work here. so... The Society of Set 5 members Darrian Wentworth appears to be just your typical upper crust blue blood. However he is a bit unusual in that his mother is Egyptian. Though most people are nice about it, he has long resented how most people have acted as though there was something a little wrong with that. Then came the stream of artifacts "rescued" from Egyptian tombs he decided to do something about it. His ultimate goal would be to kill all the explotiters of Egypt and collect all the lo…
Last reply by Lucius, -
A little while ago, I posted this write-up in the downloads section of the site, and I'd like to get some opinions on how well Randell Irons and his friends (see Pulp Hero, pages 384-394) would fare against such an enemy. Vote in the poll and, if you like, explain your position below. Assume they encounter it in the lost tomb in the Valley of the Kings and that they have all the weapons and gear they usually carry.
Last reply by Mister Trent, -
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- 12 replies
How many folks have looked at the 'heroic adventurer' comics from the Golden Age and used them to mine ideas from? The Golden Age Shadow comics have given me some ideas, as have Airboy and it's associated Air Fighters comics (some terribly racist period material in there, though, so not for everyone), and others.
Last reply by Spence, -
- 8 replies
I was just wondering if any of you have a pulp character that you just don't really like too much? I have to say for me it's Doc Savage. I want to like him but he has the problem of just too perfect as well as rather sexist. Then there is the 800lb gorilla the Crime College. The fact that with no arrest, not court hearing, no anything Doc just sends them up to some asylum and performs brain surgery on them. I mean if this ever got found out it would be nationwide scandal. Also the fact that he seems to have little or no emotion. He is just a boring character overall, his aides are the ones with the most personality.
Last reply by Burrito Boy, -
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- 33 replies
I just bought the Justice Inc. box set with the Lands of Mystery for only $10.00 plus $6.00 shipping and handling! I can't wait for this to come in the mail. Lands of Mystery sells for $90.00! on Amazon and i am getting it and the Justice Inc box set for $10.00! WOOT! Man I am playing this game! This was in a lot of ways a ground-breaking Hero product. It was one of the first to change how martial arts worked and just was a lot of fun. I first played it in Job Corps and I played a WW1 boxer who used to be a demolitions man in the army. Awesome!
Last reply by starblaze, -
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- 35 replies
Well we've had John Carter, the Lone Ranger, and Green Hornet. Theres talk of Doc Savage. But what do we say of the Legend of Tarzan? At least the trailers don't seem to show Jackson being the real hero.
Last reply by starblaze, -
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- 50 replies
The Article At Variety Casting Johnson in the role should guarantee a generous measure of attention to the movie--he is, after all, this century's Schwarzenegger, in terms of charisma and box-office popularity. And this movie will need that sort of attention, considering we're talking about a character few people will have heard of today unless they're serious pulp-novel fans. Still, it is good to see a superhero movie that isn't based on a Marvel or DC character. We could use some more of those as far as I'm concerned. There it is for anyone who's interested.
Last reply by st barbara, -
- 8 replies
I m thinking of running an 1890s game combining Land of the Lost with Lost World as a break from our current Soopers game, I know it's a little earlier than either stories are set but who cares
Last reply by freakboy6117, -
- 9 replies
Because there is this discussion over at the borad about what HERO needs to get more popular I thought I could make an offer and translate my adventure "Nachts, wenn der CREEPER kommt" into English and post it here. It was one my adventure for this years One Page Winter Contest here in Germany. I included the german version, too, for the other odd German who might frequent this forum. Hope you like it. And - yes - it i based on an old Shadow audio play.
Last reply by Roter Baron, -
Thanks to the magic of the Online Book Archive, and a lack of copyright renewal, the following Hugo Gernsback-managed publications are now freely available: Science Wonder Quarterly, ed. by Hugo Gernsback (full serial archives): http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=sciwonderqtly Science Wonder Stories, ed. by Hugo Gernsback (full serial archives): http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=sciwonderstories Wonder Stories Quarterly (partial serial archives; renamed Science Wonder Quarterly): http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=wonderstoriesq
Last reply by Burrito Boy, -
- 18 replies
Looking to start a campaign based on Larry Correia's 3 book series. Had a few questions for anyone who might be familiar with them... 1) What books would you suggest having? (5th ed Pulp Hero? Champs complete or MHI?) 2) Has anyone else done this yet? Any suggestions for writing up the active types? (brute, heavy, massive, etc?) 3) I found a so-so wiki page on the series, and an M&M campaign on their forums... Anyone else know any good resource or background sites for the setting?
Last reply by grandmastergm, -
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- 2 replies
Air Wonder Stories was a monthly fiction magazine founded by Hugo Gernsback in 1929. It ran for 11 issues dated July 1929 through May 1930. After that, the magazine merged with Science Wonder Stories to form Wonder Stories. No copyright renewals were filed, so , thanks to the Internet Archive, all 11 issues of this pulp-era gem are available for free (and legal) download in PDF, EPUB, KINDLE, and several other formats. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/serial?id=airwonderstories
Last reply by Scott Baker, -
- 1 reply
http://www.msn.com/en-us/autos/enthusiasts/aloha-wanderwell-was-the-first-woman-to-drive-around-the-world/ar-BBtVtl9?ocid=spartandhp Some good pulp idea mining in this one - or at least a great NPC or two
Last reply by drunkonduty, -
- 6 replies
Some time ago, back during the days of the BBB, I was in talks with Bruce Harlick about bringing my Flash Gordon homage out as a campaign book for Justice Inc. It didn't happen because that version of HERO Games was imploding due to various reasons at the time. But I always hoped to bring it out someday. The recent success of the Strike Force kickstarter had me thinking about Aaron's Lands of Mystery, which led me back to the Zarkon campaign and the aborted attempt to bring it to a wider audience. I like to see if now is the time. In our current sue-happy world I've had to change things that I didn't bother changing back in the mid 80s, when I shamelessly "borrowe…
Last reply by John Desmarais, -
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- 11 replies
Since your characters have to eat too, here's a Pulp-era menu. http://propnomicon.blogspot.com.ar/2016/01/food-glorious-food.html
Last reply by bigdamnhero,
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