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Les Leopoldo: "Republicans now control 32 state legislatures and 33 governorships. They have majorities in both state legislative chambers as well as the governorships in 25 states. The Democrats have total control in only six states and legislative control in two more.


"If Republicans achieve veto-proof control in 38 states, they can do something that has never been done before—hold a constitutional convention, and then ratify new amendments that are put forth. To date, all amendments have been initiated from Congress where two-thirds of both houses are required. In either case, 38 states would be needed to ratify the amendments. The Republicans are well on their way."




Meanwhile, the Arizona Senate has just passed a bill that would allow the police to seize your assets if you are part of a protest that turns violent. So, if you show up at a town hall meeting and an agent provocateur throws a brick, you could lose the car you drove there in. If you helped organize the protest you could lose your house. Expect similar legislation to sweep through Republican-held legislatures across the country. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-arizona-legislation-idUSKBN1622LB

I'm actually thrilled about this, strangely enough. It's about time we had a serious spotlight pointed at the blatantly unconstitutional mess which is asset forfeiture.This honestly isn't all that different from the government seizing property from supposed drug dealers as a way to boost budgets, get free toys, and pretend to be tough on crime - without a single charge being filed, let alone proven in court.

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I had far more of an issue with the Punisher style logo than the 'Blue Lives Matter'.  Just like 'Black Lives Matter' doesn't suggest to me that ONLY their lives matter.  Blue LIves Matter sounds perfectly acceptable to me, but a police force should definitely not associate itself with a murdering vigilante.

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Small town in Kentucky, according to this article.



Thanks. Figured it'd be some small town with like 10 cops. An idea that stupid usually can't spread much further than a small group of like-minded dummies. Larger departments are more likely to have at least one or two people with a modicum of common sense.

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I had far more of an issue with the Punisher style logo than the 'Blue Lives Matter'.  Just like 'Black Lives Matter' doesn't suggest to me that ONLY their lives matter.  Blue LIves Matter sounds perfectly acceptable to me, but a police force should definitely not associate itself with a murdering vigilante.


It's the combination that strikes me that way.  It's the right logo for a death squad and not that much else.  

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Most cops have probably never even heard of the Punisher. They aren't geeks like us. Nine times out of ten they're the jocks and bullies that used to kick the snot out of us. The logo means nothing to them but kicking the snot out of whoever the frak they want. 


Even if you've never heard of the Punisher...it's still a skull.  If your headquarters is shaped like a skull,if you wear skull masks, if there are skulls insignia on your uniform, if you have skulls on your vehicles...


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It was weird that in my dreams tonight I saw a newspaper headline on a "Constitutional Crisis", which oddly enough is what we seem to be experiencing. I wonder if there's a possibility that the administration (not neccesarily Trump himself) gets fed up with the criticism and attempts to surpress the Democrats as much as they can.


It's also sad that it's making me wonder how the military feels about all this. The officers of the current military are for the most part apolitical professionals who will follow legal orders but don't express personal loyalty to the President  -- respect for the office, but not the sort of personal loyalty a true dictator attempts to command. Soldiers in America take an oath of loyalty to the country, not to an individual. And this President has already made a habit of sticking his nose into areas about which he knows nothing -- I would think the professionals resented him rushing the Yemen raid. Obama was smart enough to let the professionals do their jobs in the successful bin Laden raid, only stepping in by giving them permission to keep going when things started to go south. He didn't interfere with the planning, and didn't panic. And as a result Osama bin Laden is still dead.

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It was weird that in my dreams tonight I saw a newspaper headline on a "Constitutional Crisis", which oddly enough is what we seem to be experiencing. I wonder if there's a possibility that the administration (not neccesarily Trump himself) gets fed up with the criticism and attempts to surpress the Democrats as much as they can.


It's also sad that it's making me wonder how the military feels about all this. The officers of the current military are for the most part apolitical professionals who will follow legal orders but don't express personal loyalty to the President  -- respect for the office, but not the sort of personal loyalty a true dictator attempts to command. Soldiers in America take an oath of loyalty to the country, not to an individual. And this President has already made a habit of sticking his nose into areas about which he knows nothing -- I would think the professionals resented him rushing the Yemen raid. Obama was smart enough to let the professionals do their jobs in the successful bin Laden raid, only stepping in by giving them permission to keep going when things started to go south. He didn't interfere with the planning, and didn't panic. And as a result Osama bin Laden is still dead.

It has been said, that it was Obama that insisted on the second helicopter

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This is literally not far from my home. And I'm not surprised in the least by it.


This man shot three people, two Indian and one American who tried to intervene when this idiot was asking to see the two Indian men's visas(they were tech workers at Garmin, jobs above the province of idiot, or, at least, that idiot), because, you know, idiots now apparently think that is in their rights. He was thrown out, came back, and shot them.


Then, in his brilliance, he was later caught because he went to Clinton, MO(not sure if he was from there, we're not talking about places that are close to each other), and was asking people at an APPLEBEES where he could hide out after shooting two IRANIANS.


So, man who clearly does not have the qualifications to be a tech worker shoots two foreign tech workers and a good samaritan, kills one of the three, then decides Applebees is the go to place when you're on the run.


So far, it seems like legal immigrants are the main focus of the administration and nuts, despite months of claims otherwise.

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