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And an AP article a couple days ago says Evangelical leaders are entirely satisfied with Trump's performance and predict Evangelicals will vote for him in even higher percentages in 2020.


Comparing himself to God and Jesus? Pfft. What's a little blasphemy, so long as he appoints anti-abortion, anti-LGBT+ judges?


Dean Shomshak

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26 minutes ago, DShomshak said:

And an AP article a couple days ago says Evangelical leaders are entirely satisfied with Trump's performance and predict Evangelicals will vote for him in even higher percentages in 2020.


Comparing himself to God and Jesus? Pfft. What's a little blasphemy, so long as he appoints anti-abortion, anti-LGBT+ judges?


Dean Shomshak


Now, if folks thought he was the Anti-Christ or at least the herald to same... THAT I could see working...



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3 minutes ago, Old Man said:


I wonder what he would do if Denmark claimed PR as a territory. 


Seriously Puerto Ricans should jump at the chance.  It's obvious they'll never be treated fairly, or even decently, by America.


I don't know about NEVER....


But Denmark certainly seems more likely to treat them better now. :(




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17 minutes ago, Old Man said:


I wonder what he would do if Denmark claimed PR as a territory. 


Seriously Puerto Ricans should jump at the chance.  It's obvious they'll never be treated fairly, or even decently, by America.


If Puerto Rico could decide as a group what they wanted from the US, it would be likely that the US could treat them more fairly.


Some of them strongly want independence. Some of them strongly want statehood. Some of them strongly want to keep the current status but get more economic assistance and assorted non-economic benefits (the specifics of which vary almost from person to person).


I know what I'd do with Puerto Rico if I were given control over the situation. But it's difficult to build any kind of political consensus for major changes in any direction until they coalesce behind some idea of what they'd be satisfied with.

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1 hour ago, TrickstaPriest said:

...No thoughts on the Amazon...?


Edit: Old Man's post gave me enough information to find out what was meant by the OP. I had to dig for the result, though, as it's apparently no longer fresh enough to appear near the top of the page for either Google or various news sites, and I've been mostly away from news sites for the majority of the day. Amazon's new office building in Hyderabad is still trending near the top, though. It shows what's a priority in the minds of news organizations.

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What's happening in the Amazon is so horrifying that it's almost beyond comprehension.  It's incredible how much one corrupt regime can screw everyone on the planet.  These guys are literally burning as fast as they can, to gain themselves as much poorly productive farmland as they can, before somebody stops them.  Six soccer fields of rainforest burned down in the time it took me to type this.  There are ashfalls in Sao Paulo, thousands of miles away.   Numerous indigenous tribes have been rendered homeless just in the past few days.  It's one of the most glaring cases of FYIGM I've ever seen.


I suppose I should be used to it by now, as a citizen of the most powerful corrupt government in the universe, but I'm not.  Between the eradication of the Amazon, and the fact that Greenland's ice sheet is melting orders of magnitude faster than expected, this has not been a great week in environmental news.

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