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2 hours ago, DShomshak said:

add cheering crowds, a "yuge" golden throne with Nancy Pelosi chained to it like Leia to Jabba the Hutt, an honor guard of warrior angels with flaming swords, and Jesus Christ Himself appearing to proclaim him the New Messiah!


Man, I'd pay to see that even without an election.  Sounds like it would generate meme's for years.


I'm not going to vote for the guy, but that sounded pretty epic.


Someone get Jim Caviezel signed up!

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11 hours ago, DShomshak said:

I'm actually a bit curious how the Republicans will do the convention, because an all-video format actually could work to Trump's advantage -- he's always been so much a creature of media illusion. Like, they could CGI in whatever backdrop he wants, add cheering crowds, a "yuge" golden throne with Nancy Pelosi chained to it like Leia to Jabba the Hutt, an honor guard of warrior angels with flaming swords, and Jesus Christ Himself appearing to proclaim him the New Messiah! Anything at all that Trump's ego demands, or that might appeal to his base.


Dean Shomshak

Um, I dont think anyone wants to see Pelosi in a metal bikini.

9 hours ago, ScottishFox said:


Man, I'd pay to see that even without an election.  Sounds like it would generate meme's for years.


I'm not going to vote for the guy, but that sounded pretty epic.


Someone get Jim Caviezel signed up!

Ok, I stand corrected. DAMN YOU, Rule 34.

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Well, that's the first night of the Republican convention. I'll admit that Sen. Tim Scott actually brought up a few achievements that, if true, could be rational grounds for voting Republican. Though Trump has then been the world's worst salesman for, say, encouraging inner city investment.


But most of the speakers before him ranged from the doomy to the utterly unhinged. The McWhatsTheirNames' (sorry, I've a bad memory for names) blatant scaremongering about colored hordes coming for white suburbanites was disgraceful. The attempt to rewrite history to make Trump a hero of Covid response would be laughable if it weren't for the 170,000 dead and counting. The attempt to "humanize" and "empathize" Trump by having him talk with ordinary people he's helped was cringe-oinducing, as he kept rather obviously asking them to praise him. But I must say, conservatives do outrage better than liberals. OTOH... Nobody is this angry unless they know they're wrong.


Dean Shomshak

Addendum: I don't think I'll watch tonight. NOVA is on, and I'd rather learn about attempts to save the Dead Sea.


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Last week the Falwell's lawyer contacted Reuters “categorically denies everything you indicated you intend to publish about him.” That article was one stating that the Pastor and his wife had had a seven year long affair with one of their former business partners. Unclear on whether Falwell participated or only watched his wife have sex with some dude.


"On Sunday night, however, as Reuters was preparing to publish this article, Jerry Falwell issued a statement to the Washington Examiner in which he said that his wife had had an affair with Granda and that Granda had been trying to extort money from the couple over the matter."


Too bad Damage Control only exists in the Marvel Universe.


British papers are reporting Falwell has stepped down from Liberty University and from being pastor of his church, quoting him as saying that he was bored with it anyway. Reuters says he has denied he has stepped down from either and instead remains on leave.




Liberty University confirms Falwell has "resigned".



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11 hours ago, DShomshak said:

Well, that's the first night of the Republican convention. I'll admit that Sen. Tim Scott actually brought up a few achievements that, if true, could be rational grounds for voting Republican. Though Trump has then been the world's worst salesman for, say, encouraging inner city investment.


But most of the speakers before him ranged from the doomy to the utterly unhinged. The McWhatsTheirNames' (sorry, I've a bad memory for names) blatant scaremongering about colored hordes coming for white suburbanites was disgraceful. The attempt to rewrite history to make Trump a hero of Covid response would be laughable if it weren't for the 170,000 dead and counting. The attempt to "humanize" and "empathize" Trump by having him talk with ordinary people he's helped was cringe-oinducing, as he kept rather obviously asking them to praise him. But I must say, conservatives do outrage better than liberals. OTOH... Nobody is this angry unless they know they're wrong.


Dean Shomshak

Addendum: I don't think I'll watch tonight. NOVA is on, and I'd rather learn about attempts to save the Dead Sea.


From what I have caught of both conventions (not all that much because these things are a waste of time), I can sum them both up:


If you vote for the other guy, America is doomed.  Parts of Tim Scott speech, a wee bit of the biden speech is about the only exception to the rule.

I will say one good thing about Trump is he may have killed off, the bland and pointless neocon movement. What takes their place in the next several elections will make the difference.


Sanders may have done something similar with the Dems.

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19 hours ago, Old Man said:

Perhaps not, but DeJoy is flatly refusing to let anyone put them back together. The damage is done. 

The Tacoma News Tribune reports this morning that employees at the Tacoma, WA mail sorting center have defied orders and put some sorting machines back together again. Because it was too slow to truck the mail to the Seattle center, sort it, then truck it back again.


Another attempt by the Deep State to sabotage the Trump agenda, and Gods bless 'em.


Dean Shomshak

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Oh, and the NOVA episode was quite interesting, and had political aspects. The problem: The Dead Sea is shrinking rapidly, because Israel, Jordan and the Palestinians are all pulling water from the Sea of Galilee and Jordan River. They are also pumping water out of the Dead Sea directly and evaporating it for salt, magnesium, bromine, and other chemicals. The sea's shrinking is also causing hundreds of sinkholes to open around its shore every year, and wrecking the tourism industry around the Dead Sea. (Including medical tourism, as the super-salty and chemical-laden waters have therapeutic uses.)


Jordan is building a delination plant on the Gulf of Aqaba, and plans to pipe the leftover brine to the Dead Sea, restoring it. However, this requires cooperation between Jordan, Israel and the Palestinians. This has been difficult, but some political leaders are optimistic it might happen and lead to a wider peace because everybody needs water, and everybody has a financial stake in the Dead Sea.


However, some scientists are dubious. The Red Sea brine will have a different chemical composition than the existing Dead Sea water, which could cause some pretty spectacular changes. There could also be ecological impacts on the Gulf of Aqaba.


I recommend this episode.


Dean Shomshak

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1 hour ago, Tom Cowan said:

KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — A white, 17-year-old police admirer was arrested Wednesday in the killing of two people during a third night of protests in Kenosha over the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake.



Apparently he was there from Illinois with an armed militia, and the police didn't disperse the idiots, but instead drove the protestors toward them. He's getting charged with intentional homicide, but may claim self defense because he might have been afraid for his life.


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