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4 hours ago, MrWolf said:

Only thing I have to add is something that was kind of terrifying: a Georgia candidate who lost his Primary wanted to bring back the House Unamerican Activities Committee.  I was stunned that anyone would want to resurrect that.  I can't even come close to overstating my objection to something like this.


3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Not the first time I've heard this from Republicans. Notably, Newt Gingrich expressed it back in 2016, supposedly to deal with Islamic terrorism.

I'm not surprised at all. If they get to define whats UnAmerican, that can give a carte blanche to go after anyone who isn't themselves or their voting base.

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31 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


If only that worked to get her off the SCOTUS...


Getting 66 votes in the Senate to remove a Supreme Court justice would be a tall order, but expanding the number of justices to 13 to match the number of appellate courts would take "only" 60.

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46 minutes ago, Old Man said:


Getting 66 votes in the Senate to remove a Supreme Court justice would be a tall order, but expanding the number of justices to 13 to match the number of appellate courts would take "only" 60.


And the Republicans would stonewall at least 4 nominations until they had control again....

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Trump's reaction is entirely predictable.  Reading it is somewhat amusing, but I wish I coulda seen his face when he got the news, or got served the subpoena for the search.  THAT would've been priceless.  He of course says "never happened to a President"...when, in fact, he's not.  I'll grant it's probably never happened to a former President either, but then, no former President has incited sedition.

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The Stolen Election faction probably figures they've never left that state...they were just biding their time.


That said, one has to think that authorities in general are keeping a wary eye out...both for what Trumpists might try to do, and because they may well just protest at federal offices...and potentially trigger a counter-protest.  And then....?  It's a chain, so it might not fully play out anywhere, but it's a pretty reasonable chain.  It could happen.

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This has got to be more than the Presidential Records Act/National Archives. As a rationale that will go over like a lead balloon. I’m hoping for something crushing, evidence of selling State secrets or something like that. Something prosecutable.


Please tell me the FBI/DOJ is smarter than that. The preliminary news information is making me very nervous.

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6 minutes ago, Iuz the Evil said:

This has got to be more than the Presidential Records Act/National Archives. As a rationale that will go over like a lead balloon. I’m hoping for something crushing, evidence of selling State secrets or something like that. Something prosecutable.


Please tell me the FBI/DOJ is smarter than that. The preliminary news information is making me very nervous.


The preliminary news information is just a bunch of uninformed conjecture which is what one would expect.  Merrick Garland's DOJ doesn't let anyone know squat about what they have found or are about to do, until they do it.  

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5 minutes ago, Ranxerox said:


The preliminary news information is just a bunch of uninformed conjecture which is what one would expect.  Merrick Garland's DOJ doesn't let anyone know squat about what they have found or are about to do, until they do it.  

Good. I am very hopeful this will be something devastating and worthy of the FBI searching the residence of a former POTUS for the first time in American history. It needs to be, for a lot of reasons.

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26 minutes ago, Iuz the Evil said:

Good. I am very hopeful this will be something devastating and worthy of the FBI searching the residence of a former POTUS for the first time in American history. It needs to be, for a lot of reasons.


One of the interpretations has been that the Fed has been requesting a return of the documents he took to Mar-a-Lago for months... and he just straight-up refused to return them.

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22 minutes ago, BNakagawa said:

Ever notice how the more authoritarian or 'law and order' they are, the more shocked they seem to be to discover that laws apply to them as well?


I read a YouTube comment months back, to the effect that contemporary right-wing philosophy is that law protects, but does not bind them, while it binds, but does not protect everyone else.

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9 hours ago, TrickstaPriest said:


One of the interpretations has been that the Fed has been requesting a return of the documents he took to Mar-a-Lago for months... and he just straight-up refused to return them.

That is what prompted my earlier comment, he’d better have nuclear launch codes or something. It’s not remotely good enough on the face of it, and immediately leads to comparisons to previous administrations (who did things like select what documents went in the National Archives). No Federal prosecutor is going to pursue charges on that. 

I hate that guy, absolutely despise him for what he’s done to my country. And even so, that isn’t worth it. The Pubs are going to get the House at least this Fall, and the Senate is a toss up. The FBI and DOJ will get absolutely destroyed unless this is iron clad and the public will line up behind them… stupid and lazy behavior isn’t going to get it done, needs to be something really horrific (getting Al Capone on tax evasion isn’t a reasonable comparison imho, Al Capone was a petty gangster, not the former POTUS and potential political rival of the sitting administration in the next election).


I live in California, our vote might as well already be cast. How will this play in Florida, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and so on?


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1 hour ago, Iuz the Evil said:


The Pubs are going to get the House at least this Fall, and the Senate is a toss up.



I refuse to stand by past political precedent, and the results of polling (which show increasing favor for Dems in the midterms, just FYI). This is not politics as usual, the situation is unprecedented, so much can happen between now and November, and the prognosticators have frequently been wrong in recent years. Don't give in to fatalism, Americans! Get out and vote for what's right, for all our sakes. Show the world that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, isn't a dead dream yet.

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It’s not a dead dream, but it’s very unlikely the Democrats retain the House of Representatives at this moment. We will see, the future is mutable…


I do think they have a shot at the Senate, as I’ve said earlier in the thread. And that’s in no small part due to Trump backing absolutely terrible candidates.

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