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On 8/15/2020 at 12:01 PM, Michael Hopcroft said:

I resolved the [problem by buying a box of ten reusable cloth masks made by a company famous for its underwear. It's worked out quite well so far -- if I remember, I use a different mask every day and wash masks on a weekly basis.


The masks come out wrinkled but still cover what they need to cover.


My big problem is forgetting to mask up before going to places, and I almost always remember that I'd forgotten it almost immediately. If possible I go back in and get mine, but my local transit service is willing to offer you a one-use mask if you get on without one. Which is no guarantee that people will use these masks correctly, but then there never is.


But I can only control what I do myself. Even if it means getting places later than intended when I decline to get on a bus while unmasked.


After a few trips we had to take twice for forgetting masks we've decided to keep a set for the whole family in the car.  They have to be washed more often because of the heat, but it has eliminated the "I forgot my mask" problems.

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3 hours ago, archer said:

This is scary. FDA has issued its first ever list of shortages of medical supplies due to COVID-19 and the estimated duration of the shortages.




Makes you think back to all those presidential statements about the abundant supplies of PPE which he has made available nationwide....


Yes, well, we all know his high veracity and reliability.  Wouldn't surprise me that 

a)  this kind of thing might well be required by law, but also

b)  it got pushed through by the science people...even possibly doing an end-run on the political appointees...in part to debunk all the factual errors

I also noted in that story, that school openings are being reversed a fair bit.  The details appear to be kinda complex;  I didn't try all that hard but I couldn't find a story summarizing them.  I know it includes Georgia and Arizona, tho.  And I saw several colleges doing the same.

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Being that it's 2020, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump pushed for testing of some whacky cure and it actually turned out to work, thus paving the road for him to be President for Life.


Because . . . apocalypse.


So, yesterday, I had to go to the ER due to a high fever (had surgery Monday, high fever no bueno). They didn't find anything. Got a third COVID swab (the proper brain-tickler type) inside of a week. I'm starting to get used to the stupid things at this point.

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1 minute ago, Cygnia said:

Oleander?!  That stuff's toxic!  I highly doubt an extract based off of it is a good idea... :mad:


Many, if not most, drugs are toxic.  The issue is dosage;  can you get a therapeutic benefit before the toxic effects kick in?  That said, oleandrin is fairly toxic, so cutting it down to safe levels seems unlikely to work out.  But hey, when has that concerned The Donald?

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Still early days but there are some SERIOUSLY alarming signs that heart damage may be COMMON, even in mild cases.


The heart damage aspect was mentioned, IIRC, in the discussion about the Big 10's decision making WRT cancelling fall sports.

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3 hours ago, Starlord said:

1.  Can you build up an immunity to it?


2.  Does it come in an odorless, tasteless powder form that dissolves instantly in any liquid?


Asking for a friend....


It's true that after iocane powder, you're not going to care about COVID-19 anymore.

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4 hours ago, Starlord said:

1.  Can you build up an immunity to it?


2.  Does it come in an odorless, tasteless powder form that dissolves instantly in any liquid?


Asking for a friend....


5 minutes ago, Pariah said:


It's true that after iocane powder, you're not going to care about COVID-19 anymore.



(I don't think that means what I think it means...)

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My dad went on an agricultural exchange to Moscow and Leningrad back when it was still the USSR. On the Aeroflot flight, the only beverage served was, of course, vodka. He said they served it in glass shot glasses, which they wiped out with a rag when you were done and then poured another shot for the next person. Apparently the antiseptic properties of the Vodka were sufficient not to require additional cleaning.

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26 minutes ago, Pariah said:

My dad went on and agricultural exchange to Moscow and Leningrad back when it was still the USSR. On the aeroflot flight, the only beverage serve was, of course, vodka. He said they served it in glass shot glasses, which they wiped out with a rag when you were done and then poured another shot for the next person. Apparently the antiseptic properties of the Vodka were sufficient not to require additional cleaning.


To a degree, sure...but...


Remember that the blood alcohol level for DUI is usually about 0.08%.  Not 0.8%...0.08%, or less than 1 part in 1000.  0.5%...coma, possible death from cardiac or respiratory failure.  Not due to sepsis, either, so this probably won't kill a blood-borne pathogen.

Many hand sanitizers are actually just alcohol.  60% is the minimum concentration for it to be effective but that's probably just related to the application involved.  And ethanol is fine for it.  (The ones the FDA have listed as unsafe, have methanol.)

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