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Don't have to be a planet to be under discussion for harboring life these days.  Both Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn) have lots of speculation going on about that.  Europa seems almost plausible to me, actually.

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6 hours ago, Cancer said:

Don't have to be a planet to be under discussion for harboring life these days.  Both Europa (moon of Jupiter) and Titan (moon of Saturn) have lots of speculation going on about that.  Europa seems almost plausible to me, actually.

I've always been curious about Venus. The tops of the clouds have a pleasant temperature and pressure. They also have sulfuric acid, but we have extremophiles that like sulfuric acid, and we have bacteria that live in cloud droplets. Couldn't there be life on the clouds of Venus?


(except, now I think about it, don't those extremophiles need iron as well? There wouldn't be iron in the clouds)

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2 hours ago, Old Man said:

2020 Hugo Award winners are out.


None of my books won, perhaps because I haven't written any.

The Keynote Speaker was George R.R. Martin (I think we all know who George R.R. Martin is). I haven't seen or read his speech, but from all accounts he went on a massive rant. whether he just was having a bad  day or really is the jackass everyone says he looked like is open to question.


The book I can recommend from the list is the graphic novel LaGuardia, about a woman who is pregnant with an alien's child in a xenophobic future.

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2 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

The Keynote Speaker was George R.R. Martin (I think we all know who George R.R. Martin is). I haven't seen or read his speech, but from all accounts he went on a massive rant. whether he just was having a bad  day or really is the jackass everyone says he looked like is open to question.


The book I can recommend from the list is the graphic novel LaGuardia, about a woman who is pregnant with an alien's child in a xenophobic future.

He's old and people break down when they are old. It happens. Ask Old Man


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3 hours ago, Michael Hopcroft said:

The Keynote Speaker was George R.R. Martin (I think we all know who George R.R. Martin is). I haven't seen or read his speech, but from all accounts he went on a massive rant. whether he just was having a bad  day or really is the jackass everyone says he looked like is open to question.


38 minutes ago, csyphrett said:

He's old and people break down when they are old. It happens. Ask Old Man



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It happens, especially if the victim suffers a stroke (some of which may be too subtle to notice any other way).  I have seen a subtle personality shift after a stroke in a senior colleague.  Only a handful of people could see it (his closest collaborators), but it was there.  It wasn't adverse (like losing some moral barriers), but he definitely did a couple of things after the stroke he would never have done before it.

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2 hours ago, csyphrett said:

He's old and people break down when they are old. It happens. Ask Old Man


And sometimes younger people go off on tirades at the least provocation. Reading this article, I think we may have a case of a little bit of both:




So far, I'm seeing him mispronouncing names, even though he was supposed to have had been provided a pronunciation guide. The horror.

Then he's being accused of ". . . continually name-dropped John W. Campbell, a writer who had a Hugo Award named after him until 2019, when the title was changed to the Astounding Award on the heels of a scathing speech given by winner Jeannette Ng."


Ng, apparently, gave a damning speech condemning Campbell as a fascist, while accepting the award named for him. Here's an excerpt from said speech, from the linked article:


“John W. Campbell, for whom this award was named, was a fascist,” Ng said at the time. “Through his editorial control of Astounding Science Fiction, he is responsible for setting a tone of science fiction that still haunts the genre to this day. Sterile. Male. White. Exalting in the ambitions of imperialists and colonisers, settlers and industrialists."


I don't have any polite words for this nonsense. I'll say that the reason the best new writer Hugo was named after Campbell was that he was noted for nurturing new talent. I corresponded briefly with him before he passed, just asking a question about his book on fiction writing, and found him to be polite and generous with his time. Didn't seem too bad for an old white guy. I just found out from this article that his name was removed from the reward, and I'm fairly disgusted by that.


So, I'm thinking this may be a bit on each side. Martin likely knew Campbell and possibly regarded him as a mentor or at least respected him as predecessor -- and keep in mind, Martin has a TON of editing projects under his belt, and up until AOIAF, was better known for editing -- so, I can see him being a bit annoyed. And I see a hell of a lot of hypersensitivity in that word diarrhea from Ng.


You'll notice that article has a lot of interpretations of what Martin meant, but no direct quotes from Martin's speech. To me, that's a pretty big red flag. But what do I know, I'm just an old white guy.


Here's an article by Cory Doctorow on Campbell's racism and weirdness. Much better context than the Ng speech, which was brief:




So, it looks like Ng was right. I still would like to see these things in Campbell's words, but haven't been able to dig them up. Doctorow has been in the field for long enough to be a trusted source, though. I think there's still a lot of hypersensitivity here (decrying colonialism, etc. in a genre about exploration and yes, colonial expansion which used to be pretty mainstream fare), but Doctorow gives some solid examples that cast Campbell in a bad light, especially on matters of race.




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