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Yeah, for the most part the good guy characters on the show have gel'd pretty nicely. It's been the villains that have been the weak link (in terms of being uninteresting and/or lame) most of the time. Hopefully we'll get a better caliber of villains in season two.

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Yeah, for the most part the good guy characters on the show have gel'd pretty nicely. It's been the villains that have been the weak link (in terms of being uninteresting and/or lame) most of the time. Hopefully we'll get a better caliber of villains in season two.


Mostly. I really live Livewire, though. I know I've said it before, but every time I see her I think she's Holly Hunter (or a relative) at first look. And she's fun to watch. I'd like to see her continue to recur as a villain.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Given that he's currently playing the Atom in the same multiverse, Routh is unlikely.

Ah, but that's on Earth 1. Having Ray Palmer's Earth ## Doppelgänger turn out to be Clark Kent would hardly be the silliest thing they've done. Tho in seriousness, the way they're talking about "who the next person to wear the cape will be" it seems obvious they're going to bring in someone new.

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Superman. Feh.


Yeah, he "fits" the Supergirl uninverse for sure. But in terms of the DC "trinity" they speak of, Superman is the least interesting one to put back on television. I'll believe DC is committed to the television format when they have a live-action Batman on the small screen again. Until then it is all just lip service.


Kudos to Melissa on her TV Club award. It was well deserved.

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I don't expect Superman to be a frequent character on this series. Getting out from under his shadow was one of Supergirl's strongest motivations, at least initially. But not having him appear on the series at all is stretching credibility. Clark is the natural person for Kara to turn to when she has issues over her new role in life.

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I don't expect Superman to be a frequent character on this series. Getting out from under his shadow was one of Supergirl's strongest motivations, at least initially. But not having him appear on the series at all is stretching credibility. Clark is the natural person for Kara to turn to when she has issues over her new role in life.


This show is dead to me!


I'm just waiting to see if it's because there's too much Superman, or too little. 


Or possibly Lois Lane. It could be dead to me because they cast Lois the wrong way. Or if they don't cast her at all. Gotta admit, we sure are spoiled for choices in superhero TV these days. 

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If I was writing the show, I'd have her meet up with Superman briefly as he's between ending catastrophes etc, and chat about the tough parts of being who they are and superheroing.  Not any saving each other, not any combat, just moments where they can rest and hang out with the only person on the planet who understands or has insights they can both use.

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I liked their Chatting With Clark bits in season 1, and I agree the worst thing they can do is makes him a regular. But yeah, there's only so many times they can pull the Just The Boots trick without straining credulity.


I was actually speculating if they were going to use the move to the CW as an excuse to re-order the multiverse ("Gee, thanks Barry...') and find some technobabble excuse to write Supes off altogether. Glad they're not.

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If I was writing the show, I'd have her meet up with Superman briefly as he's between ending catastrophes etc, and chat about the tough parts of being who they are and superheroing.  Not any saving each other, not any combat, just moments where they can rest and hang out with the only person on the planet who understands or has insights they can both use.


Yes, he could point how he's been the victim of stupid writing recently as well but don't worry cuz soon she'll be cancelled while he will be Zack Snyder's prisoner for at least another 4 years.

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If I was writing the show, I'd have her meet up with Superman briefly as he's between ending catastrophes etc, and chat about the tough parts of being who they are and superheroing.  Not any saving each other, not any combat, just moments where they can rest and hang out with the only person on the planet who understands or has insights they can both use.


Yes, this. It was obvious in S1 how constrained they were by not being able to show _anyone_ as Clark/Superman. Now that they can, I think they'd be well advised to keep him on the sidelines. Have him show up only, as you said, to converse with Kara (or possibly others who are present), but not DO anything. Supergirl should be the one saving the day because it's her show. Clark should be busy elsewhere most of the time.

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Hope they can get Tom Welling for Superman. 


Yes it would definitely NOT be the Smallville Superman/Clark Kent as that own owned by the producers of Smallville. It can be an entirely new character also named "Superman/Clark Kent". Smallville is in the past, it was a good show, and apart from the nod and wink to it e.g. Laura Vandervoort Supergirl shouldn't (and can't be) Smallville 2.0. 


Because damn (in a good way) if Tom didn't have some moments when he owned the presence and nobility that Superman/Clark Kent has. 


What If Supergirl's New Superman Is Tom Welling?

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Dialogue is the writer's fault.

Well...yes and no. There's a lot that happens between what the writer writes down and what actually gets filmed, including but not limited to: executive meddling from the studio/network, producers who want to put their own stamp on things, directors who go with what feels right to them in the moment whether or not it makes any sense overall, actors who think "My character wouldn't say that" or ad-lib their own lines,* and editors who have to piece the whole thing together within given time constraints. BTW, every person I mentioned there gets paid more than the writer and is generally regarded as more important. My understanding is the situation isn't quite as bad in TV as it is in movies, where the writer is treated as a complete nobody.


I once heard one producer type give his advice to new screenwriters: "Your script had better be perfect before it gets to me...cuz it's all downhill from there."


* And yes, there have been some hugely memorable lines that were ad-libbed. But then, actors seldom brag about the awful lines that were ad-libbed.


Edit: Another Hollywood adage I've heard is "If the line lands, the actor gets the credit; if it flops, the writer gets the blame."

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Edit: Another Hollywood adage I've heard is "If the line lands, the actor gets the credit; if it flops, the writer gets the blame."


This line rings of the Truth.


(And yes, I can definitely agree that poor writers get worked over sometimes by executive meddling as well.)

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