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First topic: Why do you give him so much power over your emotions? It is a legitimate question. Trump has turned out to thrive on the antagonism created by his stupid comments. Don't feed into that.


It's probably more like, "So this is it?  THESE are the choices I'm given to vote for?  What happened to us?"

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Trump compares PTSD and mental illness to weakness


I am worried about myself, because lately I am feeling a real, visceral anger about this man.  I should probably cut my political news time at this point.


Well, you might be really surprised how many people believe that.  All this proves is he isn't a hypocrite on the matter.  (and there is likely a large chunk of people who think it, but wouldn't actually ever admit it).  I definitely wouldn't want someone to know the extent of my issues in high school, unless I knew them well, for this very reason.

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Trump compares PTSD and mental illness to weakness


I am worried about myself, because lately I am feeling a real, visceral anger about this man.  I should probably cut my political news time at this point.



Well, you might be really surprised how many people believe that.  All this proves is he isn't a hypocrite on the matter.  (and there is likely a large chunk of people who think it, but wouldn't actually ever admit it).  I definitely wouldn't want someone to know the extent of my issues in high school, unless I knew them well, for this very reason.

I have often viewed my own mental illness as a character flaw. I guess I'm old-fashioned that way. I've been to some very dark places over the years, and this is only confirmation that a significant portion of the American public would hate my guts if they knew I existed. Or worse....


I have actually got into rather serious discussions very recently over what character means if someone's judgment is clouded by mental illness.


And DJT is one to talk about mental illness. After all, how else would you describe his level of megalomania?

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I have often viewed my own mental illness as a character flaw. I guess I'm old-fashioned that way. I've been to some very dark places over the years, and this is only confirmation that a significant portion of the American public would hate my guts if they knew I existed. Or worse....




The only conclusion I have been able to really come up with is that mental illness is complicated.

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The people with no sympathy for mental illness are the people who think they never had it. Note that I didn't say, "never actually had it."


Strength is irrelevant. The strongest people in the world will break if you apply enough pressure to their particular vulnerable spot (and everyone has at least one). Those who don't believe that have been lucky enough not to have experienced it yet.

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Not to mention that a significant number of things termed "mental illness" actually have evolutionary purposes and may even provide advantages to the individual. Just not, generally, in the social sphere.


Eugenics would have happily wiped out those on the autistic spectrum. This would have a decidedly negative effect on the species.

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The numbers of women supporting Trump were small to begin with. I doubt this will change his standing much. As for his debate performance, the perception by a substantial portion of the public as to how well he did in the last debate was at odds with the conventional wisdom about what you have to do to win one.


I've given up trying to predict this campaign. I'm waiting until election night.

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Trump supporters on Reddit organized to flood every unscientific internet poll about the debate with votes saying that Trump won it.  However, in the scientific polls that pick the participants rather than allowing participants to self select, healthy majorities felt that Clinton won the debate.  Also, post debate her poll numbers have gone up nicely, while Trump's numbers have fallen.


So, do Trump supporters think that he won the debate?  Of course.  True believers hear what they want to hear.  To them his constant interruptions came across forceful, assertive and strong, and all his talking points were dead on.  However, most independents and of course Democrats judged her the winner, and the race which had been tightening has once again shifted in her favor.

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Yeah, I expect when(not if) he performs poorly at the next two debates, the Great Abandoning of Trump will commence in earnest.


Wrong.  I'm already seeing people explain it away as "figurative" or "exaggerated".  Remember, these are the same people who think the hurricane is a hoax perpetuated by the climate change conspiracy.

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Wrong.  I'm already seeing people explain it away as "figurative" or "exaggerated".  Remember, these are the same people who think the hurricane is a hoax perpetuated by the climate change conspiracy.

But they're not a winning coalition. Women are not going to get onboard with this. And I sense a Cosby effect taking place. There will be more stories like this in the next couple weeks. Women are 51-52% of the electorate.

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To be honest, I probably saw 20-25 minutes of the debate.  Clinton didn't impress me at all (she spoke like 4 lines-it was mostly Trump and Holt).  What I really saw was Trump doing the political equivalent of a Mark Sanchez butt fumble.  Clinton was the winner, in the sense someone had to be the winner, with the mess that was Trump.  But, it did feel like she was playing rightfield in a little league game.  I cant answer for the rest of the debate, though.

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Wow, Pu**ygate is not going away.  It's the top headline--and a hurricane just waded ashore in South Carolina.


The notable quote I read was along the lines of "Trump has managed to offend left-wing feminists and right-wing evangelicals at the same time."  Finally, a candidate who can unite a divided America.


And there is open discussion of asking him to step down, which solves nothing as early voting has been going on for weeks already, and it's too late to reprint ballots in most states anyway.


Meanwhile, Trump supporters answer with cries of "Benghazi!" and "Emails!" and "Monica!"

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