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25 minutes ago, Hermit said:

Sadly, they're doing the best to nip that in the bud. Some states are ending unemployment benefits early to stop the 'freeloading' and 'save the economy'... by which I think they mean they'd like to keep the serfs on the fast food fields 

And what do those unemployment benefits add up to, that fast food megacorps can’t compete with?

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Just now, Old Man said:

And what do those unemployment benefits add up to, that fast food megacorps can’t compete with?


Oh I'm on the side of the Zoomers and Millennials who are giving a big middle finger to jobs where they are underpaid, abused by employers and some customers alike, and expected to quietly drown in medical, college, or housing debt without upsetting anyone.

But I fear a lot of forces arrayed against them

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Well remember that the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour, and fast food by and large pays minimum.  So even if you can get 40 hours, that's still less than $300 a week. You'll still probably get *some* withheld for income tax, even tho you almost certainly won't owe any, or very little, if this is your only income, and definitely Social Security.  So...knock off, say, 20%.  Take home?  About $220 a week, or call it $900 a month.  With no benefits whatsoever.

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Well, it's another long-term Trump critic, but the more voices the better.

Besides, "circular firing squad" is worth spreading. :)



Another CNN story, about restaurant workers:






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So, Liz Cheney is out for her refusal to bend the knee to Trump. And her statements of fact about the election and January 6 insurrection.


I do not like her family or politics, but that’s not a good sign for future election cycles if you enjoy things like Democratic process and smooth transitions of power...

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That letter suggests there's something to age impairing mental function after all. :rolleyes:


Ironically, it was fair for one of the signatories to claim, "We are facing threats greater than at any other time since our country was founded." He just doesn't recognize that the threat includes himself.

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2 hours ago, Starlord said:


To quote the letter:  

The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored.


Where were they during the prior administration?  

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13 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


To quote the letter:  

The mental and physical condition of the Commander in Chief cannot be ignored.


Where were they during the prior administration?  


This. This right [REDACTED] here.



3 hours ago, Iuz the Evil said:


So, Liz Cheney is out for her refusal to bend the knee to Trump. And her statements of fact about the election and January 6 insurrection.


I do not like her family or politics, but that’s not a good sign for future election cycles if you enjoy things like Democratic process and smooth transitions of power...


What a ridiculous decision on the part of GOP House 'leadership'. The Republican Party has become narrow-minded, fragile, and petty.


Just like their idol, Donald Trump.

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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Ironically, it was fair for one of the signatories to claim, "We are facing threats greater than at any other time since our country was founded." He just doesn't recognize that that includes himself.


That isn't the threat.  The threat is the culture of lying and manipulation presented as facts, which led to this.

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17 hours ago, Starlord said:


Listening to analysis of this on MSNBC, they pointed out there was only one four star and only 3-4 three star generals signing the letter. So it was mostly lower tier people rather than those who would have had regular contact with a senator or president. 


They also pointed out that most of them hadn't actually served in more than a decade. So they didn't have recent experience with what the military has been going through with the never-ending deployment and little to no experience dealing with Trump as commander-in-chief.




There's not a firm number of retired generals and admirals available to the general public so as to make it easy to see if 124 of them is a significant number. 


Back from 2006, I found this article which estimated that at the time there was around 4700 retired generals. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2006/04/how-many-retired-generals-are-there.html (There were multiple reports of a wave of retirements from generals who didn't want to take orders from the Amateur-in-Chief who claimed he was smarter than all the generals but let's ignore that for the purposes of making an informed guess.)


The retired admirals are listed on the navy website mixed in with active duty admirals here: https://www.navy.mil/Leadership/Biographies/


An intrepid reporter went through the entire list and claims he counted more than 250 retired admirals but doesn't say exactly how many. https://www.reference.com/world-view/can-list-retired-united-states-navy-admirals-found-b229c1dfeecdf113


So adding the retired admirals and retired generals together, there's maybe 5000 of them total.


That'd make it 2.48% of all retired admirals and generals signed the letter.


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If they do form a third party, I doubt it will draw many of the existing Republican base which polling suggests is now predominantly Trumpist. But any splitting of the vote on the Right will benefit Democrats, and even "lesser of two evils" believers should welcome that in the present circumstances.

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On 5/12/2021 at 8:02 AM, Iuz the Evil said:


So, Liz Cheney is out for her refusal to bend the knee to Trump. And her statements of fact about the election and January 6 insurrection.


I do not like her family or politics, but that’s not a good sign for future election cycles if you enjoy things like Democratic process and smooth transitions of power...


This is pretty much the end of the democratic process in our country. 😕

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4 hours ago, Pariah said:


I've seen those kinds of stories from time to time over the years so I'm more than a little cynical (during Reagan, W. Bush, pre-Trump, and mid-Trump).


But this is the first time I've seen it after the Republicans kicked a prominent Republican out of a leadership post because she refused to give silent consent, or vocal support, to an insurrectionist. So maybe they're highly motivated into actual action rather than only motivated to voice an idle threat.


Their letter is supposed to come out later today.


If it gives the Republican party a definite deadline (such as August 1st or June 30th) and a list of specific requirements it must meet in order to keep them in the party, then I'll take their threat as being serious (rather than being hot air).


I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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