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8 hours ago, Pariah said:

Seriously, though, is there ANY chance we cold get Mexico to take Texas back? I mean, it's not like the US ever lived up to the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, so we could theoretically claim that the treaty is null and void and that Texas was never really our problem to begin with.


There's too much money in Texas. No government would give up that revenue stream. And too many politicians have Texan sugar daddies.

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Speaking of the blizzard, a pipeline company threatened to cut off 5 Texas power plants yesterday, over payments they claim were owed as a result of events from during that blizzard.  They called it a $21M penalty.

This, after the power company already paid them $600M...more than expected for the entire YEAR...during the blizzard.


Texas seems like it's a great example of how things might be if the Republicans complete their hostile takeover.



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And now Florida is pushing a bill that lets people sue if they're made to feel "uncomfortable" about historical realities (like slavery for example). I'm just about done. All semblance of sanity has left our nation.


DeSantis pushes bill to shield people from feeling 'discomfort' over historic actions by their race | Daily Mail Online

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33 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Let's not give this greater social significance than it deserves. This is DeSantis and his allies trying to provoke the culture war, because he thinks that's his path to the White House. It hasn't come about because of any popular sentiment among Floridians.


The fact that this might be a viable path to the White House is quite disturbing enough.  Thank you.

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23 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Let's not give this greater social significance than it deserves. This is DeSantis and his allies trying to provoke the culture war, because he thinks that's his path to the White House. It hasn't come about because of any popular sentiment among Floridians.


Uhhhh...after the Texas abortion law?


You're thinking rational choices will prevail.  This has been disproven.  No, it's NOT just a sop to his allies.  


And as we've said elsewhere on this thread:  too many senior Republican politicians don't give a damn about the wishes of their constituents as a whole.  Their job is to ensure they stay in power, to lock up that power, and to make liberal attitudes as uncomfortable as possible.  Controlling the educational curriculum is absolutely part of this.  

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On 1/22/2022 at 8:39 PM, unclevlad said:


Uhhhh...after the Texas abortion law?


You're thinking rational choices will prevail.  This has been disproven.  No, it's NOT just a sop to his allies.  


And as we've said elsewhere on this thread:  too many senior Republican politicians don't give a damn about the wishes of their constituents as a whole.  Their job is to ensure they stay in power, to lock up that power, and to make liberal attitudes as uncomfortable as possible.  Controlling the educational curriculum is absolutely part of this.  


No argument with that. DeSantis, Abbot and their ilk are clearly working an angle they believe will benefit them. What I was saying is that these policies aren't arising out of any grass-roots swell of outrage. Polls consistently show the majority of Americans are more liberal and more progressive than most of the conservative stances being advocated today. These measures are being driven from the top down, exacerbating existing differences in opinion to create perceived conditions they can rationalize as a justification to seize power.

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4 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:


No argument with that. DeSantis, Abbot and their ilk are clearly working an angle they believe will benefit them. What I was saying is that these policies aren't arising out of any grass-roots swell of outrage. Polls consistently show the majority of Americans are more liberal and more progressive than most of the conservative stances being advocated today. These measures are being driven from the top down, exacerbating existing differences in opinion to create perceived conditions they can rationalize as a justification to seize power.


And it's working incredibly well.  They ARE seizing power.


You're thinking that the majority opinion matters.  These are politicians.  It hasn't done so...honestly, on either side of the aisle...for decades.  

Also, remember that the Republicans have a massive advantage in the Senate, because there are so many *solidly* red states.  Unless this changes dramatically...and several of them are doing their best to prevent it from happening...the balance of power *cannot* shift for any extended period.  Heck, with the most disastrous, divisive candidate at the top of the ballot with Trump, the best the Democrats could get was a split Senate...which hasn't done them any good to speak of, because Manchin might as well be counted, in many ways, as a Republican.  Not a Trumpist, but still, a Republican, for the way his positions work.


And recognize the significance that the Republicans have refused to repudiate Trump at all.  They have no fear of reprisal...because there won't be any reprisal.  Any call to do so was, at best, a lone voice in the wilderness...and anyone who didn't toe the line is getting punished.  There are already some Republicans who weren't viewed as sufficiently loyal, who have decided not to run this year.  


And while Trumpists might be a minority overall, are they a minority among Republicans?  Are they a minority among Republican primary participants?  There is every reason to think that the House come November will be Red...and far more aligned with Trump.  There is a very strong chance that Biden's last 2 years will be an exercise in futility, with Congress dead set against anything he wants to do.  Stasis helps the Republicans.



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On 1/27/2022 at 5:21 PM, TrickstaPriest said:

If anyone feels the seditious conspiracy charges are inappropriate or overblown:




Insurrection - maximum of 10 year sentence

Seditious conspiracy - maximum 20 year sentence



The committee has photographs and video of OathKeepers wheeling ammo into the hotel rooms in DC. And text exchanges to their Quick Reaction Force teams who were armed and ready to go into various parts of DC, secure the city, and resupply Oathkeepers who were already in place.




Nope, not inappropriate at all.

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18 hours ago, archer said:

he committee has photographs and video of OathKeepers wheeling ammo into the hotel rooms in DC. And text exchanges to their Quick Reaction Force teams who were armed and ready to go into various parts of DC, secure the city, and resupply Oathkeepers who were already in place.


18 hours ago, Ragitsu said:


They don't deserve the capitalized letters.


10 hours ago, archer said:


If you don't capitalize the letters, it makes it more difficult for readers to understand that they're a titled and organized force. 


That's important for the purposes of public perception and prosecution.


Maybe use air quotes in addition? The, "Oath Keepers" and, "Quick Reaction Force."

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