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SAT Test Centers are being closed here left and right. The test is scheduled to take place this weekend, but the SF Archdiocese has closed 90 schools under its jurisdiction. Some schools are offering makeup tests; others are not.


The kids are upset. I can't say I blame them. I know that safety comes first, but the kids have worked hard and have psyched themselves up for the test. They don't mind having the test postponed for a week or two, but some won't be able to take it until May. That's why they're frustrated.

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28 minutes ago, RPMiller said:


My niece spent her Spring Break in Europe, visiting London and Paris, traveling between the two cities by train. Her vacation's coming to an end this weekend, when she flies back from London. I'm hoping she didn't get infected.

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10 hours ago, Pariah said:

The university where I am both a Master's student and an employee for the high school outreach program has just announced that it is going completely online for the remainder of spring semester (until April 30th).


The outreach program is a supplemental lab course for AP Chemistry, so I'm not sure exactly how that's going to work. We'll see.


Yeah, I get to extemporize lab activities for my Solar System course in the spring.  No spectroscopy, unless they pull back to in-person real classes sooner than I think will occur.

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Disney will close all of its parks on Saturday. No cruise departures will occur after Saturday. Live Action Mulan release has been suspended, as with other releases. Currently there is discussion that the end of April they may reopen, but it depends. With Disney still heavily in debt from its acquisition of 20th Century Fox, the lack of income from the parks may force a lot of changes in their business. 

On the plus side, no panic buys here as I did my normal weekly shopping. Also got some useful health advisories from the city and the HOA. 

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4 hours ago, Old Man said:

Everyone likes spam. Spam is the same everywhere. 


Not like they like it in Hawaii.


We used to eat spam musubi (imagine a bit of sushi, replace the fish with spam) and a bajillion other variants of replacing real food with spam and we LOVED it.  People would walk around in SPAM t-shirts.


Spam in Hawaii is like the Dallas Cowboys in Dallas.  It's a big deal.  In a Fantasy HERO setting SPAM would have become a minor deity due to the widespread and long term worship.  :)

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9 hours ago, Badger said:


Yes, with allergy season coming I expect.


"I got a sore throat and runny nose like usual this time of year, I gots the Corona"


East TN has, I believe, the highest pollen count in the country, or at least is up there in the top 5. 

So yeaaah... you are dead on.



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I got so distracted by spam I forgot what I wanted to post...


They need to stop closing sh*t.  All businesses can't just grind to a halt because people are afraid of getting sick.  You ARE going to get sick.  This stuff is super contagious and you can by asymptomatic for 5+ days before you realize you've been spreading it everywhere.


The number of people we think are sick now is probably not even 10% of the real number.


Like in Italy I saw they were leaving grocery stores and pharmacies open.  Is the illness going to magically not spread in those locations?  This invisible plague mist that can hang in the air 10+ minutes after someone coughs?


So frustrating watching the largely useless actions being taken by so many companies at tremendous financial cost to themselves and their employees.

The illness isn't even hitting working age adults that hard and children seem to relatively unaffected.


One guy I saw talking about it mentioned that shutting down schools and day cares will sideline up to 40% of our nursing staff.  That is NOT going to help.





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