Dark Champions
Modern-day action-adventure, including vigilante crimefighting, military action, law enforcement, espionage, and more!
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- 12 replies
I know that this might be sensitive material but I kinda need to get an idea what a military base looks like. An out of date now defunct base would be perfect. Does anyone have any ideas where I might look? Thanks in advance, Ali
Last reply by keithcurtis, -
- 28 replies
A great guest character for any DC game. Ferris Bueller Player: Mathew Broderick Val Char Cost 8 STR -2 10 DEX 0 13 CON 6 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 10 EGO 0 18 PRE 8 13 COM 2 2 PD 0 2 ED -1 2 SPD 0 5 REC 0 28 END 1 22 STUN 1 9" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 1 1/2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 18 Cost Power 6 Running +3" (9" total) 30 Luck 6d6 Powers Cost: 36 Cost Skill 3 Acting 13- 1 Bribery 8- 2 CK: Chicago 11- 1 Combat Driving 8- 3 Computer Programming 12- 3 Conversation 13- 5 Cramming 3 Disguise 12- 1 High Society 8- 3 Inventor 12- 2 KS: Art 11- 2 KS: Pop Culture 11- 2 KS: Sports Cars 11- …
Last reply by dbcowboy, -
- 5 replies
well after looking at the vehicle combat setup for tabletop...i know its normally NOT feasable.. UNTILL i read the other rules on how its not done on tabletop. And it hit me, OK you dont move the vehicles , you SPACE the CHASE... let me explain... OK lets say you have one of those big box van. it has a LF and it goes about 21" with a non com of x4.. but for now lets say were in combat! the SUV that has the gang bangers whos lookin to get away from our heros has a 24" mer turn and X4 non com movement. each move phase you move the amout DIFFERENCE between the 2. so both vehicles have a spd of 3 and thus on 4 8 and 12 the difference becomes 3" to 6" to 9".…
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 3 replies
Actually, we just finished the second "book" of Penny Dreadfuls’ escapades. I managed to head her off at the pass at the insane asylum but this time she left us cold. We did manage to unravel the clues (Well, not the second one but who could figure that one out. Luckily, my character has a 13— Hudson City CK & KS) and find the "Plutomium." Poor Organiztia.... they never knew what hit them. Great adventure so far. Devious implementation. Great Handouts.
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 11 replies
Imagine, if you will, a core SFX of "good and evil", for the power to affect the good and evil of others; to raise it, and lower it; to make anyone into a monster, or a saint; but, as in all things, there must be a balance. Specifically, the power can transfer good and evil between individuals, but only where it exists in the first place, and not past the level to which it is present. Furthermore, the power is imprecise in two areas; the sensing of what degree of strength (for good and evil) is in a person, and the measure of good or evil transferred. This element of risk makes the power incredibly dangerous - to the user! The power can be used as a morale booster - …
Last reply by Robyn, -
- 9 replies
I let my daughter use my Amazon account...I really do hope that the reason that I got this link in my recomendations http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/guides/guide-display/-/54NVRPSL8L4A/ref=3/102-0058717-6116132
Last reply by Enforcer84, -
- 2 replies
Question: I was thinking about using Frank Martin from the "Transporter" movies as a bar set for my PCs in a new urban pulp game I plan on running. Has anyone out there actually made this particular character up, and if so, could you post him so I could use it as a comparison to what I already have? Many thanks for the help.
Last reply by Manictao, -
- 15 replies
I know this about magic and proably sounds like it belongs in the Fantasy Hero board but I think it should go here. I have a character who I bought a vehicle for (how many points the character and vehicle have doesn't really matter). The character is a mage in the vein of John Constantine. The trunk of his car (or the boot to you brits) can any weapon or weapon that he has in a special case in his apartment. He just thinks of the weapon he wants and opens the trunk and ta-da there it is. How do I build that?
Last reply by Basil, -
- 5 replies
Disclaimer: This is not intended to be a "ready to GM" setting. You may be able to steal ideas from it, or even reverse-engineer your own explanations for this world and run it steadily for a while - but it won't be the same. I have developed this setting over the last 5+ years, each detail following clearly and unambiguously from those before, carefully crafting it into a well-integrated whole. I will not casually share it with anyone I have not known and trusted for years; I will permit most players to explore this setting only through their characters. Short blurbs (If you're short on time, or have no interest in reading about a different world setting just for …
Last reply by Robyn, -
- 4 replies
http://www.copplestonecastings.co.uk/range.php?range=FW http://www.tacticalminiatures.com/urbanchaos.html http://www.wargamesfoundry.com/collections/SV/index.asp http://www.rezolutiondt.com/gallery.html Some of the CSO guys look like UNTIL Agents http://www.theassaultgroup.com/Ultra+Modern/default.htm Danger Zones?! And my personal choice at the moment (to save time) is Steve Jackson's Modern Cardboard Heroes.
Last reply by Chris Bloxham, -
- 2 replies
The new Checkmate series from DC, while seemingly portraying certain characters as very out of character, seems to be a good model for a Dark Champions campaign. It has great potential for politics and backstabbing, as well as dealing with the occasional superhero or supervillain group that is misbehaving. It's a U.N.-backed organization (with a very tenuous hold on its charter), with a super (Alan Scott) and a human (Amanda Waller) at the very top of the totem pole. Check it out!
Last reply by Chris Bloxham, -
- 16 replies
Hi all, Im putting together a collection of generic Vigilante \ Criminal adventure formulas / templates / scenarios, which will eventually be presented on my MetaCyber site. Ill probably also throw together a random plot generator as well to help GM's get going. So, Im putting out an open call for examples. The idea is to keep it generic, reusable, and of course modular. Looking forward to your collective responses....
Last reply by Korvar, -
- 2 replies
Don't know if this has been posted (or if anyone cares), but here's a pretty interesting sight regarding forensic medicine and the like. Might be some good stuff for those into that sort of thing. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/visibleproofs/
Last reply by Brother Dom, -
- 8 replies
Obviously my choices are related to my current campaign (a world travelling, issue driven espionage type of thing) Of course we have to start with the CIA Worldbook http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html for authentic detail on the various countrys of the world. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Wikipedia just a great source of information (ok so a bit obvious but far to useful to leave out) http://www.nisat.org/publications/armsfixers/default.htm an excellant source on how the black market arms trade works. http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/stories/sierraleone/breakingnews.html a brilliant source on the arms trade including profiles of some …
Last reply by Flames, -
- 33 replies
Having just picked up Hudson City. I think it would be great if there was some way to get a poster mape of the city. Maybe as a PDF that fans could print out at Kinkos???? Just a thought.
Last reply by RDU Neil, -
Inside Man
by specks- 5 replies
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454848/ Saw it, loved it!!! This is the best Spike Lee Movie he has made so far. If this is not Dark Champions Material I don't know what is!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: out of 5
Last reply by Vanguard00, -
- 3 replies
Spring of 1934: "Oh look, Jonathan - it's a shooting star!" Martha exclaimed, pointing out the side windowframe of their battered old truck (the glass windows having long since been lost). Jonathan quickly braked the vehicle, not bothering to park it. The few travellers to pass through their corner of nowhere never used the long road going to their farm, and in any case there was hardly room for one vehicle to fit through. Stepping out of their truck, the middle-aged couple watched in awe as the bright speck moved downward across the evening horizon. "Naw, I reckon it's a meteor." ventured Jonathan after several moments. "It looks like it's heading awfully close," fr…
Last reply by Vanguard00, -
- 3 replies
Susan plopped down on her bed with a sigh. She was just zoning out when the voice of her best friend and college roommate, Lily, jolted her back awake with "So, have you decided yet what classes you're going to take this semester?" Turning her head away, Susan mumbled something noncommittal and hoped Lily would take the hint. Instead, her friend walked over and said firmly "Listen, girl. You seriously need to get your *** in gear and figure out what you're going to do with your life. Enough procrastinating. Now, I'm going to go freshen up before my new job interview, and I expect you to have an answer by the time I'm ready to leave." Susan held back the sigh until sh…
Last reply by Trebuchet, -
- 7 replies
I just finished the latest Nightside novel by Simon R. Green. Now I am wondering if anyone else who has read them has ideas for some of the marvelous characters. My opinion, of course, ymmv John Taylor's major power is probably both a huge detect/clairvoyance, and a VPP for the things it is "the easiest thing imaginable to do" once he has detected. his minor power/spell, which no one else seems to know, is to take something from somewhere, and put it somewhere else. At first he uses it to take the bullets out of people's guns when they are pointing them at him, then dribble them out of his hand onto the table... He comes up with some other uses:n…
Last reply by Vanguard00, -
- 12 replies
Has anyone done any write ups for Mortars, or for that matter Artillery? I'm going to need some soon... I'm sure I could write some up, but hey I got lots more to do, and isn't that what this forum is all about? WC
Last reply by dark_claw, -
- 6 replies
Assuming a basic mentalism power set (Multipower with EGO attack, mental illusions, mind control, and telepathy; mental defense; and mind scan; let's say a cap of 80 active points), how many ways can you think of for somebody to acquire wealth while keeping the abilities completely secret? The most obvious method is, of course, poker - Telepathy to learn what the other players' hands are, a nudge with Mind Control to keep them from folding, and maybe even Mental Illusions of what the mentalist's (or their own) hand is. However, it's not exactly the best way to reach the ten-point level of Wealthy, especially without the Anonymity perk to avoid IRS investigations. …
Last reply by Outsider, -
- 30 replies
Sarcastic captions aside, the link shows photos of Liberian "militia" engaged in street combat. I thought people might find the images interesting, from a "if I ever send the PCs to the 3rd world" standpoint. http://www.funmansion.com/html/Gangsta-Hip-Hop-Urban-Combat.html
Last reply by Susano, -
- 16 replies
I make body armor and tactical gear for a living. As a result, I get to test the stuff out - preferably when I'm not wearing it! Mostly, we use IMI Class-IV hard-plates (non-ceramic, but I'm not sure exactly what) with Class-III kevlar on the "exposed" parts of the vests. They work really well (in fact, we've got one that took five 7.62 X 39 API hits at five meters distance without penetration or serious impact trauma to the wearer in the work room). They exceed both IDF and US Army high powered rifle standards. The problem is, the darn things are extremely expensive. So we got to thinking, what if we use a normal old Class-IV ceramic plate? After all, they're cheap…
Last reply by gewing, -
- 12 replies
As a Navy retiree I was interested to see this and thought it might apply to modern military campaigns.... Basically the US Navy is getting away from the Dungaree's of old and issueing blue and gray camo BDU's with a matching marine style cap and blue t-shirt, with silver collar rank insignia for enlisted. Navy combat type's like SEALS will get both the standard marine style BDU's in green and desert tan plus an issue of the blue and gray. Here is the link While this article is from back in 2004 it was announced yesterday that the changes had been approved.
Last reply by Zeropoint, -
- 3 replies
This is probably going to sound like a pretty dumb question, but here goes... I'm starting up Dark Champions for the first time, and I've given my players the 75 Resource Points as suggested in the book, mainly because I like the idea of capping the amount of gear they go strolling around with, and I want them to go wild designing their characters' Manhattan apartments. I understand how the Equipment part of is designed to work, but I'm fuzzy on the Vehicle/Bases part. If I give the player characters 10 Vehicle/Base Resource Points each, does that mean they have 10 points to build the actual vehicles and/or bases with, or do they have 10x5=50 points to buil…
Last reply by Flames,
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