Dark Champions
Modern-day action-adventure, including vigilante crimefighting, military action, law enforcement, espionage, and more!
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- 12 replies
The woman’s dress was expensive, though not quite haute couture, and delicate, too, judging by how it had started to tatter along the hemline just from her running. She turned the blind corner into the alley at a full run, and right away she realized she’d made a fatal mistake. Hoping to find a short cut through the block, her arms now flagged in a mock semblance of their previous pumping, her strides slowing in defeat, until finally she reached the tall wood fence dead end and collapsed on the ground before it. Whoever had built that fence had likely done it to protect their garbage cans and rear exit. They might as well have put a gun to her head. As her head turne…
Last reply by Thrakazog, -
- 3 replies
In our recent Champions game, the tear gas grenade from Dark Champions (p.255) was implemented by one of the goons we were fighting. The design of this was different from previous Champions models (like the tear gas models shown in Gadgets And Gear[ p.20 and 41]) in that it was a straight flash attack without the NND element). In other words, gas masks (LS: self-contained), provides no defense vs. the effect. (it does have the "Real Weapon" limit, but that doesn't necessarily address the issue). My question is this: Does anyone know offhand if there is/was errata on this or is this the desired build for Dark Champions ?
Last reply by CBikle, -
- 3 replies
I'm reposting some characters I posted ages ago, now with hdc files. Enjoy.
Last reply by Susano, -
- 129 replies
Blame Edsel -- his Weekend Warriors campaign log gave me the itch to run a Dark Champions: The Animated Series game, which will have its first gaming session on Friday (7/14). The place is Hudson City, the time is now, and the characters (who are allowed to be slightly superhuman, if desired) are a female metahuman brawler named Powerhouse and a superhumanly intelligent inventor named The Sentinel. The two have experienced the pain of losing loved ones thru the actions of criminals when they were both exposed to the mutagenic effects of cosmic radiation. Now they are out to stop crime wherever they find it, or however it finds them. More details will be forthc…
Last reply by Matt Frisbee, -
- 9 replies
As some of you may know, I'm working on a campaign that has Batman based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (my home town), not Gotham City, New Jersey. One challange for this is the creation of the Batcave. This is challanging because the rights to everything underground Southwestern Pennsylvania, including Pittsburgh, were sold several centuries ago. Batman's friend, Doctor Arcane, is willing to help by creating the Batcave in a pocket reality. Batman, however, has to design it. Hopefully, some of you can come up with ideas, or designs, for the Batcave.
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
The campaigh is set in the Champions Universe, using the Dark Champions: The Animated Series rules. The Waynes watched the 1930s Zorro at the Gateway Theater, located on Sixth Street, before Dr. and Mrs. Wayne were murdered. The Batmobile is based on the Lamborghini Diablo. Wayne Enterprises is located on Pittsburgh's North Shore, near the Alcoa Building. Wayne Manor is located on Millionaire's Row, Fifth Avenue between Devonshire Street and Shady Avenue. Doctor Arcane's house is on the same street. Batgirl is Barbara Gordon, Bruce's live-in secretary and, according to some, lover. A fourth-generation circus performer, her parents, both aerialists…
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
- 41 replies
Hello everyone, had an idea and was hoping people could add to it. Having watched many movies, played a lot of video games, and being formerly rather involved in the martial arts... I have an issue: I hate katanas. Don't get me wrong, like every other fanboy here, I used to love them... and, really, they are great swords and all that... BUT, I'm sick of seeing them in movies, RPGs, video games, etc. exclusive to any other type of sword, except those wielded by incompetents and the guy whose gonna lose/die. So, herein I propose a simple idea... the coolification of other sword types for all of our Hero based games... How it will be done: simply, a type of swor…
Last reply by Maelstrom, -
- 2 replies
With a Friday the 13th just past and Halloween coming up soon I thought it would be nice to see if anyone ever had an adventure centered on these themes. I once did an adventure where the players went to a world where it was ALWAYS Halloween (Halloween Forever I called it) The players had to find a way of defeating MISTER BIG UGLY AND SCARY in order to free the people trapped in that world.
Last reply by RPMiller, -
- 15 replies
Things I would add: Analyze Location: This would enable the officer to realize when something is not right in an area. Example: a light is out near a business that the officer routinely patrols by. Some Knowledge Skills: KS: Body Language KS: Crowd Control KS: Use of Force Laws and Principles Some other stuff: Perk-Contact: Confidential Informants Perk-Contact: Friends in the Media Set the cost to fit your campaign.
Last reply by MektonZ, -
- 5 replies
Yep, another version of Black Widow. This one's civilian identity will also be Denise Dumont (because I think the name's cool). She is an attractive African-American woman who wears her black hair in cornrow braids. She was a high school cheerleader and on her community center's gymnastics team. Also, at her mother's suggestion, she learned to belly dance. She entered college as a theater major and wanted to act in plays. While in her senior year, Denise's first play was set in 1901 Boston, and she was to play a fashionably-dressed woman. In that day, during King Edward's reign in England, fashionably-dressed women wore gloves all the time. In order to…
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
- 45 replies
Marvel's Black Widow has always been one of my favorites. So, she's going to form the basis for a Champions character that can be used either as a Dark Champions character or as a representative of some federal agency, possibly Homeland Security, to a superhero team. She won't be the official liaison, that person's a bureaucrat. Our web-spinning lady's a spy that could pass herself off as a cat burglar. Her powers, without foci, include wall crawling, perception bonuses to touch, bonuses to DEX, acrobatics, breakfall, SPD, and running speed. She may also be able to generate some kind of bioelecrtrical or chemical stun blast. I'll post her background story so…
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
Re: Secret Worlds: Book 3 - Episode 4 Finales Ok... here's my attempt to finish up the big fight. This was a tough one to write and capture the feel that really played out well in the game. Again, this is stream of memory (faulty) and very unedited. I actually realize I wrote part of this wrong, and I'll correct it in the official story book when I get the chance. ----- 40 Seconds Previously Kovias grins and laughs in recognition and respect of Damien’s challenge. He bellows his own name in response and is a whirlwind with his tulwar. The blade spins and cuts again and again at Damien. Though it never connects, Damien is forced to slide and circl…
Last reply by BonHed, -
- 9 replies
I'll admit I'm not so skilled when it comes to building MA's for HERO system and my "Google-Fu" has (so far) failed me so I could use some help: I'm looking to build/adapt a MA framework for "Kaysee(SP?) Fighting Technique" as seen in "Batman Begins". According to my recollections of the documentary regarding the fight scenes (as found on the two disk DVD) the technique uses mostly elbows, forearms and upper-body strikes (head-buts, etc). Any thoughts ? Thanks. -Carl-
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 7 replies
Can you spread an autofire attack? I have a ninja character in a dark champions campaign that can autofire 5x shurikens. What I'd like to do is represent filling the hex, or getting a +3 to OCV and only a max of 2 hits. I've never liked the idea that if I pop off a burst fire, my chances of hitting once is no better than a single shot. Is there a rule I'm over looking?
Last reply by AmadanNaBriona, -
- 0 replies
Variety of things, some quite good. Show especial potential if you were to do a little work on them. Man, I'm tired. http://www.landauction.com/
Last reply by Manic Typist, -
- 1 reply
I am starting up a star hero low powered (150) game and well I am having some trouble with the weapons/equipment part. Since this is sappose to be a realistic ( with aliens ) game the players will have to buy their equipment instead of paying character points and stuff. I heard that Dark Champions has some kind of rule for a weapon pool or some such ? Can someone possibly message me with some info on this rule? It sounds like something I could use for my game.
Last reply by Starwolf, -
- 21 replies
Why the lack of pre-written adventures from Hero games to almost all their titles? Especially Dark Champion, which i was hoping to start a campaign in - since i have quite a lot books from my Hero Fantasy campaign. This really puzzles me, i have seen that Champion do have a lot of adventures while almost all the other products lack adventures. I have been a gamemaster for tons of rpg´s throughout my roleplaying life, and always preferred to write my own adventures... however now i have limited time and would like pre-written adventures and sees that their none. And i dont feel for gamemastering Champions, since i dont feel comfortable gamemastering superhero …
Last reply by Armitage, -
- 28 replies
First My Players STAY OUT! I'm planning to introduce Black Harlequin into my Dark Champions campagin. He will be making his big debut on April 1st with a series of cruel (maiming, injury, some lethality) "practical jokes" pulled on seemingly random citizens of Hudson City. But, at the moment, I'm drawing a blank and I could use some suggestions. The setting allows for some advanced technology but nothing overtly supertech.
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
- 44 replies
No, these are not meant to be "realistic" weapons, but are trying to simulate certain source material. Feedback wanted. Chaingun: Found in countless FPS games, chainguns are known for two things -- being able to hose down an area with bullets and for drinking ammunition like it was water. In truth, the weapons labeled as “chainguns” in almost all FPS games aren’t a chain-driven guns at all, but multi-barreled mini-guns, similar to the one seen in the movie Predator. While not the best weapon for well-armored targets, they are perfect for cleaning out squads of grunt-level opponents. This version uses the Reduced Penetration Limitation, coupled with a high rate of …
Last reply by Markdoc, -
- 19 replies
No spoilers, herein please. Hint: It is something we all have...
Last reply by Pentoth, -
- 9 replies
I just ordered Dark Champions from the Online Store! This should really help me improve my Dark Champions game, The Gunman of Gangland.
Last reply by Basil, -
- 10 replies
Yeah, the one from Kill Bill 1 and 2. Anyone have it written up? Do you consider it exceptional to other swords?
Last reply by Pavanne, -
- 12 replies
I ran across this site while looking for some data, I thought it makes a pretty good reference for running a game in a country other than your own. I thought this was the most likely forum for interest in this. Lots of details including the national anthem, monetary system, political system, population distribution etc. http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/
Last reply by Pavanne, -
- 12 replies
I was browsing through the forums for the Serenity RPG, and I came across this player resource: guns printed on business card stock. It seems an easy way to keep track of weapons on hand or in an armory as well as ammo. Has anyone done something like this for Hero System weapons?
Last reply by Pavanne, -
- 7 replies
8 people try to find out if they have what it takes to become a spy in this series from BBC Three. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/spy/ I just got my hands on the series and viewed the first episode. I like it. It is interesting to see how ordinary people romanticize the spy trade.Then they get dragged out of their beds and sent through about 8 hours of interrogation. Sorry, if this has already been posted.
Last reply by Chimpira,
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