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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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So we basically mentioned the 2 most viable options.


Is there *time* to find a replacement, if T'challa was going to be in play as soon as next March?  (Granted, there's a strong case that the old schedules are null and void.)


Would Letitia Wright *want* to step into the role of Black Panther?  She wouldn't face the direct comparisons, but still, that is going to be a role carrying a very heavy burden.  She would have the advantage that no one would expect Shuri to have the gravitas T'challa had, not at first.  Still, the fans and critics will make comparisons.


Beginning to think that having T'challa die during a quest for more heart-shaped herb, and then making Shuri the next Panther, might be the cleanest route, IF Wright is OK with it.

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   I’m willing to be the bad guy here, Ms.Wright may be a wonderful actress and I really liked the character of Shuri, but she’s not going to fill those shoes.  
  People keep saying that In the comics Shuri was the Black Panther for a while....but it wasn’t a long while. It was a plot point. T’Challa very quickly went back to being the Panther.  Nobody ever assumed that that was going to be the way things were going to stay.

   Next, the Marvel movies need a figurehead for the franchise. They were pretty obviously grooming CB as BP for the job. RDJ and Chris Evans did the job so far and before I get accused of saying that a woman couldn’t do the job, Scarlett Johansson as the Black Widow could possibly have done very well.  But none of their characters are available. For something like this you need both a leading character that makes an impact along with a performer with charisma.  
The young man who plays Spider-Man can’t do it either. He’s just too young, and his character isn’t one who inspires the troops, just like Ms. Wright.

 For my bet the front money is on Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson. Once the Falcon now a man trying to live up to mantle of being Captain America. This is a “hero’s journey” story.

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Problem is, I think they made her to much of a Mary Sue.

 I like the Rhodey idea, but not sure others would follow, maybe to military.

Perhaps if Ms. Portman actually decides to truly play the roll and not mail it in as she did in the 2nd Thor movie, Jane Foster as Thor could be it.

I think, as much as they were grooming him, now that he is unavailable, perhaps it will be someone who comes out of the next phase of movies.

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18 minutes ago, slikmar said:

Problem is, I think they made her to much of a Mary Sue.

 I like the Rhodey idea, but not sure others would follow, maybe to military.

Perhaps if Ms. Portman actually decides to truly play the roll and not mail it in as she did in the 2nd Thor movie, Jane Foster as Thor could be it.

I think, as much as they were grooming him, now that he is unavailable, perhaps it will be someone who comes out of the next phase of movies.


As far as the next leader...perhaps they will wait and see over the next few movies.  As was pointed out they may not need one for a while.  Still doesn't help resolve what the heck they're gonna do to fill the Black Panther role;  it is absolutely not something they want to set aside for long, OR screw up.  


Rhodey has no link to Wakanda, and he's War Machine anyway.  There's your Iron Man replacement.


Hm.  Is Chris Hemsworth willing to play Thor for a bunch of movies?  Because Thor could take the leadership role, after some time working through his anger and grief.  You might end up with a very different Thor than we've seen so far, but you'd expect he'd change after all that happened.  But as I said, I don't know if Hemsworth wants to commit that much.

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The only other existing Marvel character+actor that I think could step into the role of Leader of the MCU is Ramonda (Angela Bassett). We know she has the gravitas and with Wakanda serving as the defacto Marvel headquarters it’s relatively easy to write. 

Otherwise, there’s Thor, Rhodey, Captain Marvel, Valkyrie, or Black Widow. But any of these would have to be built up as a leadership role, and if you’re going to do that you might as well try it with Shuri. That would work as the plot of BP2 anyway—Shuri stepping into a role for which she is totally unprepared. 

Lastly you could write Storm and the X-Men into the MCU...

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Storm is an interesting option.  I'm just thinking of her comic persona;  I actually didn't see Dark Phoenix.  (I'll claim mental stress...we know how it ends, and that is painful...and the fact that I consider that to be one of the great comics stories, so I fear letdown.  Yeah...yeah.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)


But she should have the stature, and you should have pretty much free rein in casting...I don't think people will worry too much about it due to the studio switch.


We'll see.  Sooner or later anyway.

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9 hours ago, Old Man said:

The problem with Captain Marvel is she has no flaws or personality aside from hypercompetent aloofness. If she were a female Maverick from Top Gun it’d be different. 


We saw character change and growth in Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, and Thor over the course of the MCU movies. How they started out is not what they became. The actors and writers had to learn how to inhabit the characters.


Brie Larson has shown herself to be a capable actress. I'm open to seeing where she and Marvel take the Captain.

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Honestly, I can think of a few other characters in the MCU with sufficient "gravitas."


Doctor Strange. This guy has gravitas oozing out of every pore, but with enough arrogance and snark to fill the Tony Stark douchebag role. Nobody is better at showing up whenever and wherever with a, "You need to come with me." He did gather and lead the Defenders, after all.


Scarlet Witch. Elizabeth Olsen is a very good actor, and the Witch has an awesome and versatile power set. Nobody who has seen Wanda Maximoff angry can not take her seriously.


Valkyrie. Like T'Challa she's a badass and the king of a distinctive people with extraordinary resources. Her character has a lot of room for growth -- we hadn't seen her for five in-universe years before Endgame.


Wasp. She's been training for the role of hero nearly her whole life, and it shows in her confidence and competence. Wasp has led the Avengers multiple times in the comics.

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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

Honestly, I can think of a few other characters in the MCU with sufficient "gravitas."


Doctor Strange. This guy has gravitas oozing out of every pore, but with enough arrogance and snark to fill the Tony Stark douchebag role. Nobody is better at showing up whenever and wherever with a, "You need to come with me." He did gather and lead the Defenders, after all.


Scarlet Witch. Elizabeth Olsen is a very good actor, and the Witch has an awesome and versatile power set. Nobody who has seen Wanda Maximoff angry can not take her seriously.


Valkyrie. Like T'Challa she's a badass and the king of a distinctive people with extraordinary resources. Her character has a lot of room for growth -- we hadn't seen her for five in-universe years before Endgame.


Wasp. She's been training for the role of hero nearly her whole life, and it shows in her confidence and competence. Wasp has led the Avengers multiple times in the comics.


Thanos didn't take Wanda seriously. "I don't  even know who you are."

Wasp in the movies is not Jan. It's Hope.

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13 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

No one takes Captain Marvel seriously as the "face" of the franchise going forward?

      For the science fiction, space based movies, GotG, Eternals, etc. sure.  But she’s not an Earth based character.  She’s not someone to lead the Avengers and provide a thru thread for the movies set here like Iron Man, Cap or Nick Fury were.

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3 hours ago, Greywind said:


Thanos didn't take Wanda seriously. "I don't  even know who you are."

Wasp in the movies is not Jan. It's Hope.


"You will." Thanos quickly learned to take Wanda very seriously.


You're right, movie Wasp is Jan's daughter. Who doesn't have to overcome decades of use as a ditz in the comics to be taken seriously, as Jan did. But even Jan's Wasp grew into the job


2 hours ago, Tjack said:

      For the science fiction, space based movies, GotG, Eternals, etc. sure.  But she’s not an Earth based character.  She’s not someone to lead the Avengers and provide a thru thread for the movies set here like Iron Man, Cap or Nick Fury were.


IMO she'd work as well as Thor would. And unlike Thor, Carol Danvers was actually born and raised on this planet. Why couldn't she be based on Earth?

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Captain Marvel could be the next Avengers leader but she'd have to become more of an Earth-based character and the current MCU  setup has her in space. She was being groomed in the cartoons and actually had the job in recent comics.


Black Panther is a title so either Shuri, Nakia, Okoye, W'Kabi or M'Baku could fill the suit as the protector of Wakanda(hmm..., potential movie or Disney+ show here), but that doesn't solve the problem of the Avengers.

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8 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


"You will." Thanos quickly learned to take Wanda very seriously.


You're right, movie Wasp is Jan's daughter. Who doesn't have to overcome decades of use as a ditz in the comics to be taken seriously, as Jan did. But even Jan's Wasp grew into the job



IMO she'd work as well as Thor would. And unlike Thor, Carol Danvers was actually born and raised on this planet. Why couldn't she be based on Earth?

   I don’t think Thor would work either, that’s why I didn’t suggest him.  
  Again, I would suggest Anthony Mackie as the new Captain America to lead the teams.  I also believe Marvel may have to bite the bullet and re-cast T’Challa.  
  No matter who gets chosen for which roles, these poor guys are going to get eaten alive and crapped of a cliff by the press and the fans.  But the dump trucks full of money they’ll get will soften their landing.

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My biggest problem with Hawkeye being the leader of the Avengers is that he's played by Jeremy Renner. Dude drew the short straw among the original six when they were handing out personal charisma and the "It" factor, and barely spits his foot out of his mouth long enough to say his lines. The Clint Barton from the comics could step into the role no question, but not the live MCU version. They'd do better to have Rocket performing double duty with both the Guardians and the Avengers.

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19 hours ago, slikmar said:

Problem [with Captain Marvel] is, I think they made her too much of a Mary Sue.



The main problem I see with Captain Marvel is that since she can one-shot an alien spaceship, why does she need a team and why should we fear that she can't handle whatever problem comes up?


They made her way over-powered by starting her out with most of the Binary power-set.


They powered down most of the heroes and villains for use in the MCU, then they introduce Binary who isn't noticeably powered down? Just who are they supposed to put her up against if she's adventuring on Earth? It'd have to be someone who can take a hell of a lot more punishment than a freaking starship, and the list of bad guys who fit that description isn't very long.

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