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Gal Gadot is the Wonder Woman for the video-game-driven, kick-ass female action star era we are entering into rather than the wholesome, all-American beauty queen era we left behind four decades ago.


I was a tween when Lynda Carter was doing her thing on tv, and I appreciate it for what it was, but even I prefer Gal Gadot's version today.

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Gal Gadot is the Wonder Woman for the video-game-driven, kick-ass female action star era we are entering into rather than the wholesome, all-American beauty queen era we left behind four decades ago.


I was a tween when Lynda Carter was doing her thing on tv, and I appreciate it for what it was, but even I prefer Gal Gadot's version today.


That's the difference between Marvel and DC.  DC is the video game version of superhero movies.  No room for the more "realistic" fighting of Black Widow or Sif.

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Our leading actors and actresses have been skewing younger and younger with every passing year. It is the way of things.


It seems to me, Bazza, that your problem isn't really with Gal Gadot per se, but with DC's decision to make Wonder Woman younger in appearance and general demeanor than in the comics (or past depictions). You want a mature matriarch of justice rather than a young gazelle of justice. Well, I wanted a mature, earthy Queen Ororo in the X-Men movies, but I didn't get that either. We all have to live with disappointment now and then, eh?

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Our leading actors and actresses have been skewing younger and younger with every passing year. It is the way of things.

Lynda Carter was 24 when she first put on the tiara, 6 years younger than Gadot in BvS. Of all the things we can blame DC/Warner for - and they are Legion - "too young" doesn't seem like a valid one.


Honestly I don't even thing we can compare the two. Lynda Carter was the definitive Silver Age Wonder Woman, much like Christopher Reeves was the definitive Silver Age Superman. It was the 70s; that was all we were allowed. Lynda's biggest strength was her ability to keep a straight face amidst all the campy silliness and always take the character seriously even when the writers didn't. Certainly Gadot is more athletic, now that women are actually allowed to have muscle tone outside of martial arts movies. And it goes without saying the stunt/fight choreography is going to be way better now even without allowing for movie-vs-TV budgets. But I don't really feel like we've seen enough of Gadot to say based on her minimal screen time in BvS. I liked her in BvS, but let's face it she also looked better just in comparison to everyone else in that awful festering turd of a movie. And yeah the WW trailer looks good, but trailers lie. Ask me again in June and I'll have an actual opinion.


I suspect which version you prefer will come down to Silver Age vs Iron/Modern Age more than anything to do with the actresses themselves.

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In this case (for Bazza and those who share his point of view), it isn't about which era of the comics serves as the template, but about how "womanly" Lynda Carter was (despite her age) and Gadot is not (by comparison). To Bazza, Gadot looks like a girl, not a woman, regardless of how old she actually is. To my mind this is due to how Hollywood casts its female action stars today, and is a direct result of DC's deliberate decision to make their live-action Wonder Woman more slender and youthful, and less mature and "womanly".

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In this case (for Bazza and those who share his point of view), it isn't about which era of the comics serves as the template, but about how "womanly" Lynda Carter was (despite her age) and Gadot is not (by comparison). To Bazza, Gadot looks like a girl, not a woman, regardless of how old she actually is. To my mind this is due to how Hollywood casts its female action stars today, and is a direct result of DC's deliberate decision to make their live-action Wonder Woman more slender and youthful, and less mature and "womanly".

Then just say "Her boobz aren't big enough!" and stop dancing around with euphemisms that don't actually mean what you're trying to make them mean. Cuz there's nothing "girly" about Gadot that I can see unless you're equating maturity with cup size.

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I think it's not just cup size but hips as well. It's all part and parcel of that robust, earthy goddess notion of womanhood. When you look at early press photos of Lynda Carter in the Wonder Woman costume, her limbs are just as long and thin as Gadot's. But she has ample hips and chest to give her something of an hourglass figure. Contrast with Gadot who is a string bean with nice muscle tone. To men who like their women curvy, Gadot looks to them like she still has some physical maturing to do, even if that isn't actually the case.


Don't get me wrong, I think Gadot is an amazing specimen of a woman myself, but I've been to plenty of places around the world where the men--usually older men--share Bazza's point of view rather than mine.

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Just a radical thought here: Could we judge the movie after it comes out? It probably will suck (it was made way too late for Warner's to accurately judge the backlash against BvS), but we won't know for sure until the movie's released. Right now it exists in a state of quantum uncertainty.


(Apologies to all the physicists on the board. High school physics bored the sh** out of me.)


Also, why are people picking on Gal Gadot because of her figure? Has anyone gone after Hugh Jackman for not being short or Christopher Reeve for not looking like a '60s Curt Swan drawing?

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Oh I get it. (And I do get that you're defending someone else's position, not arguing your own.)


Nothing wrong with having a preference, nor with expressing one. And if that's the most important thing in a Wonder Woman movie for you, ok fine. But then be up front about that being about your tastes, rather than pretending it has anything to do with age or some deficiency on the part of the actress or filmmakers.


To put it another way, if an athletic 30-year-old woman looks to you like she "still has some physical maturing to do," the problem is yours not hers. Don't find her attractive? Fine - no one says you have to. But that doesn't make her a child or childlike or immature or any other BS euphemism.

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