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Remakes/Reboots: What WOULD you wanna see redone?


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With the news that someidiotone wants to do a remake of "The Princess Bride" (and other properties in the pipeline), the hubby & I got to thinking if there are any valid reasons why a movie/TV show/comic should be redone. And we came up with 3 possible options.


1. The original sucked/box office bomb

2.  A new take -- say the original was silly and the remake does it seriously straight

3. SFX technology has advanced to the point that Things Can Be Done Better.


For myself, I'd want a remake of "The Avengers" -- the 90's attempt at the classic British series with Emma Peel & John Steed.

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4 hours ago, death tribble said:

Wild, Wild West. The TV show was very good but the Will Smith film was awful.

Saddest thing, when I heard the casting, I so looked forward to that. I thought Smith was a great person to play West, Kline would make a great Artemis Gordon and I am a huge fan of Brannagh and thought he could pull off Loveless (though I would rather have seen him play a different villain) and then they proceeded to ignore EVERYTHING that made the original series what it was.

In regards to remaking Princess Bride, I am fine with that if Reiner is in charge, they don't change the actual movie, just updated for new cast and any needed special effects. It reminds me of the disney musketeers, with Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland etc. If they had taken that cast and just used the script (updated slightly) from the 70s, it could have been good as all of the actors fit the characters well.

I will also second a real last airbender.


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Looker, by Michael Crichton.  Its about a company scanning real models and actresses to use in computer simulations, then killing them so they don't have to be paid.  In the ages of deepfakes and CGI, its just begging for an update.

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3 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Looker, by Michael Crichton.  Its about a company scanning real models and actresses to use in computer simulations, then killing them so they don't have to be paid.  In the ages of deepfakes and CGI, its just begging for an update.


The "Looker" technology in the original was a special visual pulse that allowed the planting of suggestions, which usually manifested as an urge to buy products, or (in the case of the Looker guns), to do and see nothing for a period of time. The subplot about killing off the models was just a way to get the lead character to investigate*. 



*And just goes to show that it doesn't pay to be greedy when developing your evil plan.

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16 hours ago, Iuz the Evil said:

I loved the original series. Robert Conrad as Jim West, the best villains. Such a cool concept. Would really enjoy a good remake. 


Having seen a number of episodes of this, I would agree. I saw the film first and I felt it misfired. Then you see the series and you get a whole lot more be it the black and white or the colour episodes. 

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10 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Looker, by Michael Crichton.  




Thank you so much for this! 


No- I don't recommend it for a redo or a sequel or anything like that: personally, I am against all remakes of all things, period: if they were _good_, then leave them the Hell alone!  They were good.  This means they were loved as-is, and look what you did to RoboCop, Predator, and a thousand other things that _were_ good.  Stop it.  Go out and _prove_ you have the skill and are with the money by doing something _new_, period. 


If something was bad, it is almost never bad exclusively because of casting, or because of effects, or anything else.  People _forgive_ flaws for good movies.  Look how many black and white Sci fi movies are still loved.  We _know_ we can do better effects and way more colors, but we love them and leave them alone.  If everyone did that, we wouldn't have had that last God-awful War of the Worlds thing.  Fine: it had moments.  They did _not_ save the film. 


Rebooting, re-doing, re-imagining: no!  Don't do it, not now, not ever. 


I can't remember the name of it- the crap...  Well, it wasn't even a crap_fest_, as the was nothing festive, or even lively--in it, so let's say "the crap.". The crap that was the sci-fi movie with the farm spaceship (hydroponics?  I don't remember) and the three robots Huey, Louie, and Dewey?  The curly-haired belong guy with the cold dead eyes? 


I can't remember the name of it, but that thing was crap.  Absolute crap.  And it wasn't crap because the hallways did t look like hallways.  It wasn't crap because the robots didn't look like robots, or the ship was practical effects instead or weirdly-lit or over detailed CGI. 


It was crap because it was boring, with no script to speak of, nothing for the actor to bounce off of, a premise that had nothing to do with the bulk of the movie, etc, etc, etc: the thing was just a massive collection of loose stools, and remaking it is going to do nothing but make it a steaming pile with modern SFX and freakin' over-the-top melodrama (because it's the only drama anyone seems capable of writing anymore: the BSG remake could have been amazing, if it had been an action movie type thing, or even a drama, but no: a GD melodrama in which Susan Lucci would have been at home, and it made it ridiculous.  Too bad, as BSG has always been dear to me.  My local cable doesn't do SciFi channel, either: I had to buy a sixty dollar set of disks to find out it was garbage filled with pretty people). 



Anyway:  no!  No remakes!  You cannot prove anything about your own abilities by wrecking the work of someone else, period. 




Anyway, I wanted to thank you for saying, out loud, that you've seen the movie "Looker.". It's a personal favorite of mine, and I have never been able to discuss it with anyone because I have never met another soul who has seen it. 


In the words of M'Gatu (the Zoolander one; the Star Trek one didn't talk.  ;)   ), "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" 


So thank you for confirming it wasn't a kick-ads dream I had.   :D






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47 minutes ago, Duke Bushido said:




Thank you so much for this! 


No- I don't recommend it for a redo or a sequel or anything like that: personally, I am against all remakes of all things, period: if they were _good_, then leave them the Hell alone!  They were good.  This means they were loved as-is, and look what you did to RoboCop, Predator, and a thousand other things that _were_ good.  Stop it.  Go out and _prove_ you have the skill and are with the money by doing something _new_, period. 


If something was bad, it is almost never bad exclusively because of casting, or because of effects, or anything else.  People _forgive_ flaws for good movies.  Look how many black and white Sci fi movies are still loved.  We _know_ we can do better effects and way more colors, but we love them and leave them alone.  If everyone did that, we wouldn't have had that last God-awful War of the Worlds thing.  Fine: it had moments.  They did _not_ save the film. 


Rebooting, re-doing, re-imagining: no!  Don't do it, not now, not ever. 


I can't remember the name of it- the crap...  Well, it wasn't even a crap_fest_, as the was nothing festive, or even lively--in it, so let's say "the crap.". The crap that was the sci-fi movie with the farm spaceship (hydroponics?  I don't remember) and the three robots Huey, Louie, and Dewey?  The curly-haired belong guy with the cold dead eyes? 


I can't remember the name of it, but that thing was crap.  Absolute crap.  And it wasn't crap because the hallways did t look like hallways.  It wasn't crap because the robots didn't look like robots, or the ship was practical effects instead or weirdly-lit or over detailed CGI. 


It was crap because it was boring, with no script to speak of, nothing for the actor to bounce off of, a premise that had nothing to do with the bulk of the movie, etc, etc, etc: the thing was just a massive collection of loose stools, and remaking it is going to do nothing but make it a steaming pile with modern SFX and freakin' over-the-top melodrama (because it's the only drama anyone seems capable of writing anymore: the BSG remake could have been amazing, if it had been an action movie type thing, or even a drama, but no: a GD melodrama in which Susan Lucci would have been at home, and it made it ridiculous.  Too bad, as BSG has always been dear to me.  My local cable doesn't do SciFi channel, either: I had to buy a sixty dollar set of disks to find out it was garbage filled with pretty people). 



Anyway:  no!  No remakes!  You cannot prove anything about your own abilities by wrecking the work of someone else, period. 




Anyway, I wanted to thank you for saying, out loud, that you've seen the movie "Looker.". It's a personal favorite of mine, and I have never been able to discuss it with anyone because I have never met another soul who has seen it. 


In the words of M'Gatu (the Zoolander one; the Star Trek one didn't talk.  ;)   ), "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" 


So thank you for confirming it wasn't a kick-ads dream I had.   :D







Silent Running https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TckJBvl_uT0



There's a bunch of science fiction movies from around the end of the 1960s and into the mid-1970s that I grew up with as a kid, and should probably under no circumstances be remade. This is one of them. I'd probably throw in Soylent Green and Logan's Run to this list, as well. We've already seen how badly a remake of Rollerball missed the point.


I agree that Looker has potential for a remake, though.

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I can't think of any remake I would want. I thought Ghostbusters would be okay, but it sucked. The Prisoner was all right, but then No 6 lost (at least they had an explanation for the village as a shared dream, but I liked the original idea better). Johnny Depp as Tonto, and Seth Rogan as the Green Hornet, God no. The Mummy didn't have enough pulp heroics to compare to the reboot it was rebooting and bombed despite Tom Cruise as the hero. And now Sony has taken back Spiderman when they haven't made a good reboot in a long time.


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2 hours ago, zslane said:

Fantastic Four

Starship Troopers

The Hobbit

X-Men Dark Phoenix Saga

John Carter of Mars



The Fantastic Four films with Chris Evans as the Human Torch were disappointing and they did not do Dr Doom right. Also Galactus is a cloud ?

I have not seen the other ones but the extracts and word of mouth have been so bad I don't think I need to.


I am one of those awful people who like Starship Troopers. But then I like the director. I have read the book and I understand why they did the film in the way they did. You can't show a lot of emotion if you have your actors covered in armour. I can and have watched the film multiple times. Would you like to know more ?


I also get why people think the Hobbit is too long etc. But I like it.. There are a lot of British actors in it so I could not vote for this to be a reboot/remake.


I have not seen the latest version of Dark Phoenix Saga but I have got the X-Men story in the original issues and cannot see why they cannot do the story from the comic ? Maybe they need to do it as a TV thing as you get the Hellfire club as well before you go into Dark Phoenix.


I have seen John Carter of Mars and again I get why it needs a remake. Dejah Thoris is supposed to be stunningly attractive and they have yet to put a actress in a John Carter who fits that bill. And the whole thing felt uninvolving.

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